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2007-07-20 04:50:00 · 15 answers · asked by Irishman 2 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

I am not supporting the conspiracy that we never made it to the moon. I just want to see how many people feel that way. To respond to some of the answers:
Science in the 60's says there is no reason to go back because it would not be worth it. I dissagree, I think there are so many more advances in technology, that it would allow us to look and collect different samples. We physically visited a little piece of the moon.. I am sure there is alot more surface that science could investigate.

2007-07-20 06:12:58 · update #1

15 answers

Yes, of course!

I addition to the answers above, consider this:

If we had tried to "fake it" the Soviet Union would've been the first to know. They monitored ALL of our space activities VERY closely, just as we monitored theirs. If we had faked the radio and TV transmissions from space, they would've been ALL OVER IT--and telling the world all about it! Loudly!

No...when our most ardent adversaries, the soviets, agreed and publicly acknowledged our triumph in the space race, you can be sure it was no fake. The USSR was deeply chagrined by our success since they were desperate to be the first to the moon---and failed. At least they were magnanimous about it and offered us their sincere (if disappointed) congratulations. Even the VC did the same during the war---which was really weird.

Anyway---don't fall for that "moon hoax" garbage; it's being perpetrated by people who want you to buy their book(s) so they can make some $$$.. They're counting on a certain level of gullibility out there.

2007-07-20 05:45:32 · answer #1 · answered by stevenB 4 · 1 0

It's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of scientific fact. We did land on the Moon.

Contrary to what conspiracy theorists like to say, we don't have to take the government's word about the landings. Consider the following:

1) Apollo 11 left a reflector on the lunar surface. This reflector, which is used to determine the Earth-Moon distance, has been detected thousands of times by astronomers on Earth.
2) Independent radio observatories (even in the Soviet Union) were able to detect the Apollo radio transmissions coming from the Moon. If there wasn't a ship on the Moon, this would not have been possible.
3) The Moon rocks have been positively identified as being of lunar origin.
4) Not a single reputable scientist rejects the lunar landings. Would it not be scientists who would be the first to pick up on discrepancies in the photos or in NASA's claims? Instead, scientists vigorously defend the landings.

Evidence can't get any more incontrovertible than that.

This evidence proves, to the highest scientific standard, that we went to the Moon. There isn't a shred of scientific evidence that says that we didn't go. Ironically, the very evidence that conspiracy theorists cite only proves that the lunar landings were real.

--- addendum ---

NASA hasn't been back to the Moon simply because it hasn't had the funding. Contrary to popular misconception, it is not cheap to send people to the Moon, and most taxpayers don't want to see a spike in taxes simply to fund a trip to the Moon. Scientifically, there's more that we can learn there, but politically, there's nothing new to be gained in returning.

Does this mean that if you went to Florida last year but not this year that you never went to Florida in the first place? Of course not. This is another preposterous conspiracy claim.

2007-07-20 12:36:16 · answer #2 · answered by clitt1234 3 · 1 0

Whatever you want to believe, because I'm tired of arguing the point.

Please just consider 2 things :

There is an ongoing experiment that measures the distance from the earth to the moon by bouncing a laser off a target left by the astronauts.

Around 400,000 people were involved in the Apollo missions - would it really be possible for a conspiracy to remain water-tight with this many people involved?

I'm always fascinated by the argument that "because we haven't been to the moon for 38 years, we couldn't have gone in the first place". I went to New York 20 years ago but I've not been there since - does that mean I never went there?
Those of us who are old enough to remember the moon missions will remember how it all became a bit "ho hum" after a while - familiarity breeds contempt - and NASA struggled to justify the huge cost of continuing the missions. What more could we have hoped to achieve by sending more astronauts up there?

2007-07-20 12:16:36 · answer #3 · answered by the_lipsiot 7 · 1 0

Yes, humans walked on the moon. But reasonably credible evidence suggests that, although the Apollo 11 astronauts may have been the first Earthlings to size up the lunar real estate in person, the media record provided for public consumption was staged.

A hoax of incomprehensibly mammoth proportions? Indeed. But it HAD to be because the United States HAD to succeed. Anomalous are the offspring of tenacious will and inordinate money.

2007-07-20 13:31:57 · answer #4 · answered by two11ll 6 · 0 1

They really walked on the moon. I promise.

The best proof is in the laser reflection system set up on the moon by the Apollo astronauts in 1969.


In fact, if you have a powerful enough telescope, and you are in the right place, and you know where to look, you can see the laser reflecting off of the mirror on the moon's surface and bouncing back to earth.

2007-07-20 11:55:43 · answer #5 · answered by Brian L 7 · 3 0

Sure they did, It would have been a MASSIVE fraud had they not, and I think that the Space Program would have Grind to a halt had they perpetrated such a thing not only on the American people but the World. Another thing someone who worked on the Programme would have Blown the whistle by now had it been a Hoax.

2007-07-20 12:05:17 · answer #6 · answered by conundrum 7 · 1 0

Well, they weren't out in the desert. For one thing it looks nothing like the desert. For another it is clearly filmed in a vacuum and in 1/6th g. There is a vast pile of evidence for the lunar landings being real, and none whatsoever for it being faked. All the conspiracy theorists have is vague handwaving and innuendo.

2007-07-20 12:06:39 · answer #7 · answered by Jason T 7 · 1 0

NO, I don't think they ever did... Technology has come a LONG WAY since the 60's and your going to tell me that the government hasn't been able to send someone else up there. No matter how many pictures or evidence the government gives you, you'll really never know because you've never been up there.

2007-07-20 13:09:04 · answer #8 · answered by chula 6 · 0 1

People are always trying to prove points on how we went to the moon. But ask yourself this. Why has it been 38 years since we landed on the moon? Why havent we gone back? You would think with our advances in technolgy we would have gone back to the moon. They are saying we will go back to the moon by 2020. Why wait so long? Why doesn't Nasa squish all the rumors by going back to the moon now? People always say there is nothing on the moon well there isnt a whole hell of a lot on mars either. We never went! The Russians never went either. They say they havent went becasue we beat them in the space race but wouldn't they still want to go for there own personal gain. People that beleive that we landed on the moon probably beleive that JFK was killed by Oswalt. Stupid Americans

2007-07-20 12:45:57 · answer #9 · answered by jcklrsn 3 · 0 3

Yes we did, and the time it was totally by luck as the space race forced us to do things that we should not have done. If you don't believe we have, get a high powered telescope and look for the American flag (still there).

2007-07-20 13:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by anthony i 1 · 0 0

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