I think poor circulation can contribute to phantom bruising.
2007-07-20 04:31:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If your boyfriend is like me it takes a while for bruises to show up. I run into things and a week later a bruise will show up and I have no idea when I bumped into anything. Some people just bruise easily. For others a low iron count could be the cause or another medical condition. Your boyfriend should talk to his doctor.
2007-07-20 04:44:00
answer #2
answered by Molly 4
the spider veins aren't definitive of anything. bruising when serious occurs all over your body, then you are really sick and have other symptoms.. You might consider an immunologist, but, don't overload them with above info. they'll send you to a psychiatrist, which you may or may not need.. Their specialized tests are very sensitive. You could have an illness that is evolving and blood tests don't show anything. It's not unheard of to have a diagnosis made after numerous doc appts and several years. It took them 4 yrs to diagnose CF in me. they ran every test they had...finally, they figured it out. late diagnosis at age 50... other option is an endocrinologist or just wait it out. Serious illnesses are just that. You either maintain them as a chronic illness or you die. Go about your life, You can still be very ill and would definitely need anti depressants at that point... the neutrophils and lymphs cells can rise with some stressors, but a diagnosis is not made on two labs out of whack. There is a definite clinical syndrome. Be glad that everything has come back normal.
2016-05-18 02:44:22
answer #3
answered by marian 3
The presence of bruises may be seen in patients with platelet or coagulation disorders. Unexplained bruising may be a warning sign of child abuse or serious medical problems, such as leukemia and meningoccocal infection. Unexplained bruising could indicate internal bleeding or certain types of cancer, and should be evaluated by a doctor. A deficiency in Vitamin C can also make a person more susceptible to bruises from impacts.
2007-07-20 04:32:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If he's full of bruises that are unexplained and large, he needs to go have some bloodwork drawn. Otherwise, a lot of guys are just active and don't pay attention to every bump and bruise they get.
2007-07-20 04:32:14
answer #5
answered by Dr 8'lls 4
Well, if he's got lots of bruises all over and doesn't know where he got them from, he may have leukemia. It's always better to check it out with a doctor (better safe than sorry), but he probably is just over-worried about nothing.
2007-07-20 04:32:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He may have a nutritional deficiency that causes easy bruising. He should have blood tests done to check for any problems, especially if he's been dieting or doesn't eat right.
2007-07-20 04:34:02
answer #7
answered by fmckin1 4
It could be any of several medical conditions ... but it should be 'examined' by a doctor, and possibly a specialist. Tell your boyfriend that he really NEEDS to see a doctor and tell the doctor about the 'unknown source' of these bruises.
2007-07-20 04:33:31
answer #8
answered by Kris L 7
I get bruises all the time.. I'm not anemic or anything.. I'm just a hard worker... Can't stop for every little bump. 'Boys' get bruises and don't even remember.
2007-07-20 04:32:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is Purpura. It is due to low platelet count OR platelets not functioning properly. It may be caused by certain diseases, drugs or sometimes the cause is not known. He will need check up if the condition persists/recurs frequently.
All the best!
2007-07-20 04:32:20
answer #10
answered by aWellWisher 7