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as EVERYTHING is made out from NOTHING...
do we all come back to NOTHING?

2007-07-19 14:53:15 · 25 answers · asked by enki 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

25 answers

I don't know nothin' about nothin'. But I do wonder whether we're designed to self-destruct. I found most people die on their own swords. Clinging to inappropriate ideas, behaviours, and the rest. We seem to be doing it again now, as other societies have in the past. But this time the life-support systems of Earth, and not merely one region, are at stake. The game's getting serious, far beyond regional disputes for power or resources, backed by outdated religion, culture, religion, "economics" etc. In the past we've generally been able to reform societies for a fresh go (although there are plenty of shipwrecked survivors), develop new leaders with newer versions of the old ideas. But this time, it seems it will take a total and cataclysmic change to the way we see the world and our place in it - far more revolutionary even than our shift from hunter-gathering to farming, and the rest. The Green canaries have been telling us about it for decades but most people aren't listening, mistaking it for simply tree-hugging. And the Wise Messiah trick won't work any more even with (or because of) mass media. So maybe we will have to charge on through "nothing" to whatever impoverished condition is available on the other side of that. Seems a shame - but we're only animals bound by our nature, after all. But we could be so much more, couldn't we. Well, our descendants will find out ...

2007-07-19 18:22:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't think we were designed to self destruct, but oh how I love the second part! I, & someone close to me have beating our heads in the wall to evoke some interest in ANTIMATTER, which is in essence, nothing. So, yes yes, we came from nothing, & will go back to nothing. The whole concept of antimatter would be TOTALLY compatible with Genesis. Wouldn't it be wonderful not to be in conflict anymore? The unanswerable question is, how could we comprehend "nothing" from "here?" A fact of nature: Everything has an opposite, protons have electrons. Up-quarks have down-quarks. There is a cosmic symmetry at the subatomic level. Antimatter is "yin" to matter's "yang." It balances. I believe we all go back to "nothing" in that sense. I really don't want to dwell on how people are self destructing, that is they're destroying the earth with increasing acceleration, & shabarack's answer was excellent. What a ponderous question--what would we do without you to expand our minds?

2007-07-20 19:19:05 · answer #2 · answered by Valac Gypsy 6 · 1 0

Everything is not made from nothing. I think we had this conversation once before?(no pun intended) Everything is energy. Once you die that energy transforms into other forms "I`ll discuss this no further"

Humans are not designed to Self-Destruct, we are designed to "Act for an End." Whether we are eating/drinking, working, typing, talking etc...etc.. We are not performing these acts to be endless. We are Acting for an End. Life itself is acting for an End "Death."
Self Destruct and Acting for an End are different. The latter is the natural process of life itself, the Cycle. The former is a decision one makes based on their beliefs and desires. Self Destruct can be "Suicide, ill behavior, etc." Since Acting for an End is instilled in us from nature, it can be said to be a condition of our design. Self Destructing is a by-product of our beliefs and desires. Though we are programmed if you will to have Beliefs and Desires, it cannot be said we are designed to Self destruct.....B/c we have to make a choice to do so.

2007-07-19 16:33:28 · answer #3 · answered by Future 5 · 1 0

We, humans, are an insignificant part of the circle of life in the macro and micro Universe. The CHANGE is the only constant in the Universe for that reason if we as humanity ended in a self destruction is irrelevant to the rest of the "World". The Universe start as a grain of sand and it will end that way.

There's nothing wrong to be dust in the wind.

Enjoy your life my friend.

2007-07-19 16:44:55 · answer #4 · answered by Lost. at. Sea. 7 · 2 0

I do not believe that we were placed on the earth to self-destruct. Man is inherently reaching out, and looking for measures of hope in their daily lives, whether it be in search of their version of God, Allah, Buddha, or other entities. Also, man has always tried to strive to love, but falls short because of conditions and situations beyond their control. I am an eternal optimist, and I believe man wants peace, does not want to harm and maim others. Some leaders are so evil that it seems as if entire nations feel the same way they do, that they represent the aims to destroy other nations or cultures or religions. That is not the case. So, I believe in the best of mankind, and we are here to live day-to-day the best way we know how. Very few consider themselves suicide bombers or terrorists. They just get all the newsprint.

2007-07-19 20:59:20 · answer #5 · answered by gone 6 · 1 0

Hmmm, depends on how you mean "self-destruct"?

Do we all break down? - yes

Do we have a finite lifespan? - yes

After physical death, is there anything really left? - maybe

Depending on what we believe, the existence of the soul (the persona) has a physical existence and does in fact house that which makes us a human being (experience + inner factors).

As we have no way to directly affect this thing we could call the soul, it would seem logical that after our shell can no longer contain it, it would be left over to do what it wanted to once it realized that it was longer trapped inside a fleshly prison.

My fav theory is that G*d is a huge librarian and souls are like dvd's that get lent out to people to record their entire life experiences & learning. When you die they return to the library to be watched and stored for future reference. The disc then gets cleaned off to be ready for another user...

2007-07-19 15:04:57 · answer #6 · answered by Mr Unknowable 5 · 2 0

I am going to say something about the Bible, God's word. As far as I know The word of God, teaches us that we, Live, to Die, and I do believe that to be true, but we all have a God giving Gift which is that he also,gave us a Brain to know right from wrong. We, can Live to enjoy our memories as we got through Life, and some of us get to think back when we were young and how time flew, through the years, so fast that we were not aware of it. But getting back to your question, do Humans, are prone to self destruct, I do not think so,and I also think that we do not go back to nothing, as I mentioned above. God is the only one who made us the way he did, and he is the only one who knows.

2007-07-20 13:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 0

On the contrary, humans are made to live forever, as long as they receive proper maintenance. But too often, the human species is exposed to harsh conditions, incorrect additives, harsh solvents, and extended periods without periodic checkups by the maker. This results in a much shorter productive life than they were originally designed for.

2007-07-20 02:25:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Last funeral I went to was a little while back but don't they say.. mutter mutter mutter DUST to DUST mutter mutter ...

Hey you could do worse by getting fatter. Think fertiliser, baby. Make your little patch of earth the best most self sustaining piece of dust on the planet... and while you are waiting to turn back into dust.. add the essence of your flavour to the soup that is earthly life.... something, like that.

Philosophy is such crap isn't it? I mean, do you really have to know? We go on living not knowing without such difficulty. There doesn't have to be an answer.. in fact, if deep down, philosophically speaking, you don't already know the answer you are asking the wrong questions.

2007-07-19 17:54:31 · answer #9 · answered by Icy Gazpacho 6 · 1 0

There are those that believe that cancer cells which are present in the human body from birth are a form of self destruct methodology. Once the soul has completed its mission and learned what it has come to learn then it relinquishes this body to return to [a place] for contemplation and concideration.

2007-07-19 15:34:42 · answer #10 · answered by Beneplacitum 3 · 0 0

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