I am not sure if this is a need or a want. I suspect it is a want... for I know I am loved.
I suspect I need someone I can intimately love and trust - someone I can build a life with, have children with - someone who challenges and soothes me.
I am not ready for that. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be.
LOL... more aptly put, my answer is this: I need to trust, but am not ready for the consequences of that trust. I'm afraid that somehow I will lose *me*.
2007-07-19 12:00:52
answer #1
answered by Mikisew 6
A Husband then,
I would love to become a mother!!! I want that more than anything in the whole world. But at this time in my relationship I am not ready...and my boyfriend doesn't know that is how I feel! (That I would love to be a mother right now...) I am not ready to have a child at this time in my life :(. But one day I will be, and I will be the best I can be! I will be so grateful!
2007-07-19 08:53:08
answer #2
answered by Don't be taken for granted! 3
A Porsche 911 Turbo
2007-07-19 08:51:32
answer #3
answered by Gengis 6
In the future I want a child to complete my life and provide me with happiness through my 30's and 40's. But I'm not ready for one just yet.
2007-07-19 08:51:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I really need my driver's license. I am a horrible driver though, I failed the test so I guess I'm not ready to have one yet :( So, I will be driving my moped to college! lol
Truely I guess I don't really need it; but then again a lot of things that people say they need everyday they don't really need. There are so many things that people are use to having or think they need that they really don't need at all.
~It would be nice to be able to drive anywhere in my own car.
2007-07-19 12:46:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I NEED a new car but I'm not financially ready yet. . . I need a better job to do so.
2007-07-20 03:41:01
answer #6
answered by Chick-a-Dee 5
Because once we have it we dont' know what to do with it.
Because were punks' And dunt know how to act-just like a bunch of little kids.
We all WANT it and NEED it;
any kind LOVEE..
deep down inside were just not ready` but when will we be?
2007-07-19 09:02:00
answer #7
answered by Mrz Carmen 1
What I would need but, not ready to have? I would say that remodeling my Home, but I am not ready to tackle all the work that comes with it.
2007-07-19 10:27:17
answer #8
answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6
I need my own house , but since I'm only sixteen , I'm not mentally , financially or physically equip to take on that responsibility. Also I'm going to need a job but since I already have prior commitments I can't get one.
2007-07-19 08:53:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A Permante Job.. I need money ! but Im not ready to leave my son at home.
2007-07-19 08:52:15
answer #10
answered by Jorginity 2