Loads of times.
First because I was unable to grasp maths, so they put me in detention for that (I never understood numbers and I still don't); then for stealing something I didn't steal and they made me stay in detention until I confessed to doing it (which I never did). This was in the days when they still used to be able to hit you at school, so I got hit often, mostly because I couldn't do maths, but I certainly remember having the fear of God being put in to me over the missing book and was given what can best be described as a terrifying demonstration of how well my body and head could be repeatedly bounced off changing room lockers by a games mistress. After that I stopped going to school altogether. So when they did get me back at school (not by MY choice) they hit me more and I remember that every day I was at school for the last two years I did a detention.
Punishment in detention? I remember having to write lines (Bart Simpson-style, but on paper) most of the time. Like that was ever going to teach me anything apart from nursing a cramped wrist. Eventually I plucked up the courage to tell the teachers where to shove their lines and put up with being hit instead, or just stared them out until they got fed up and let me go home. I became an intensely cold and short-tempered teenager.
As soon as I was legally able to leave school (16) I gave all the teachers 2 fingers, walked out and enrolled at the local college and learned from people who don't hit you and who encourage you to do well by actually behaving like human beings and teaching you properly, rather than by bullying kids. Maths and science were beyond me, but I left college with A levels in English, geography, sociology, history, photography and fashion design and went on to become a qualified socal worker, where I make damned sure the kids I care for DON'T get bullied or beaten.
And some people say we should bring back the cane in British schools? Idiots!!
2007-07-19 01:07:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
to respond to your question, the dumbest reason i've got heard of somebody having detention became a 10 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous female in the Houston area became given each and every week of detention for having a jolly rancher at lunch. She don't have had to spend one 2d in detention. This became greater advantageous than 2 years in the past. I had lunch detention for not delivering homework in the two seventh grade and as a freshman in severe college. those have been the only 2 cases i know that i became assigned detention/lunch detention, even nevertheless I went to lunch detention formerly my freshman 3 hundred and sixty 5 days because of the fact I wasn't particular if I had it or not, so I went forward to lunch detention, so i does not get in difficulty for skipping lunch detention if I had it.
2016-12-14 13:24:23
answer #2
answered by bickley 4
For most of the week. Punishments were things like picking up litter from the playground, during breaks. Staying after school and writing hundreds of lines, "I must not lock Miss Houghton in the store cupboard" was the most popular. Being whacked on the hands with a wooden ruler and slapped on the back so hard, I couldn't breath. That was done by a male teacher, and I was a girl of about 9 then. My mother ran to the school and told that teacher what she'd do to him if he ever hit me again...he didn't!
2007-07-19 00:49:01
answer #3
answered by Taylor29 7
Yes definitely. I did not do my homework in the 5 days deadline.
I was also late that day.Then, my form teacher send me to the discipline master and I got detention from 1pm to 6pm. I am required to finish up that piece of work and also given some other homeworks to do. They are much more difficult than what I am learning. So if you are good then try not to get detented.
2007-07-19 01:12:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I once had a half hour detention when I was at school. For a really pathetic reason. Me and a friend were acting out "the A team", and barged through a classroom door.
That earnt us a detention. What a shocker! Quite innocent stuff really.
2007-07-19 00:37:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes cause the teacher didnt explane my homework and i didnt know what to do and this girl was arguing with me in class and both of us got sent out of class and got detention i riped the detention letter and never went didnt see why i should the person who started the argument bullied me so i told her where to go iam not going to detention for that and i regret going to detention for not doing my
2007-07-19 00:59:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I was in a a detention police centre for interrogation 4 times. Castlreagh.
It was basically punishment for being a catholic.
2007-07-19 00:40:13
answer #7
answered by Quimby 2
i couldn't possibly write you a list of the times i was in detention, i don't believe though that school is the be all and end all of life as i was a little sh*t for better terms at school however now at the young age of 21 i have a very responsible job being a support worker for teenagers in care and i have allot of respect off all the young people and staff and all professionals i come into contact with despite my age so to all the teachers who predicted me to be in jail before i sat my gcse's maybe you should try praising your students and using a positive approach to your discipline techniques rather than pulling down students
so there is hope for everyone so stick in peeps
2007-07-19 00:45:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I got put in detention for sitting in the seat in front of mine! The person who sat next to me was away, the person who sat next to the person in front was away, and we had to share books, but for some reason I got put in detention (probably back chatted the teacher lol) I got given half hour detention was supposed to copy from the dictionary but instead the teacher told me all about the hard upbringing he had, unfortunately I dont remember much I kinda zoned out! One of my other teachers used to dish out graph paper and make you write an s in everyone of the little squares on it and you couldnt go until it was done!!!
2007-07-19 00:39:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I once had a saturday detention kinda like the one in breakfast club just not fun like that we had to do homework for 5 hrs!!! It was for something stupid, It was because i went to the bathroom inbetween classes! I hated it teachers never wanted to let you go, or youd get to class and they would say you just got here you can wait! You couldnt go during passing periods...who knows why ( i got a saturdat detention for it) BLAH....what do you do when you have to use the potty!
2007-07-19 00:39:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous