I believe A-Rod will finish his career in New York with the Yankees. A-Rod wants to play in New York and chase down the homerun record there before he retires.
2007-07-18 09:34:50
answer #1
answered by Frizzer 7
If the Yankees keep their words and refuse to negotiate with A-Rod when he opts out, I think the Giants are one of five teams that will bid on A-Rod's services. The Giants won't re-sign Bonds after this season unless he doesn't break the HR record. That's $16-17 million off the Giants payroll. They have other expiring contracts so they may be able to clear up another $14-15 million needed to reach A-Rod's expected $30 million per year demands.
The two big questions are: How much are other teams willing to bid on A-Rod? And if A-Rod wants to play in San Francisco?
The city is great, but AT&T Park is not a hitter's stadium. It is easier to hit homers into left field than right field (unless you pull the ball along the foul line), but it's not the Ballpark in Arlington or Yankee Stadium where you can check-swing the ball into the stands. A-Rod could lose 5-10 homers to the park each season.
And the Giants aren't going anywhere for a while so this would be Texas Rangers 2.0 for A-Rod... They will have good starting pitching for the future, but they have nothing else. They have been woeful in developing position players... They have no position player under 30 that starts for the Giants, unless you count Fred Lewis who's filling in for Dave Roberts.
2007-07-18 10:30:25
answer #2
answered by Frederick S 4
First of all, did I just see the birth of a new moniker at the top [Pay Rod]? Or has that been around?
There are lots of doubters, I see.
Of all possible places that Rodriguez could go, I think that SF is the obvious choice. The Angels have voiced their opinion, stating that they wont spend a quarter of their payroll on any one single player and have all but said that any chance of signing Rodriguez is dead in the water.
The Yankees...well, c'mon Yankee fans I think you're in denial about superstars playing in NY. If he was staying in NY, I dont think that all of these opting out rumors would have started in the first place.
So, why is he going to SF? First of all, he's good friends with Barry Bonds. And, without, dragging any controversy into the topic, SF fans have really made Bonds feel appreciated throughout his career. No matter what was going on, they always supported him and gave him the respect that he deserved as a phenomenal player. And I think between that and wanting to win the Championship, that's what A-Rod is looking for.
Anyone that says that Sabean wont go after him because of the Zito deal, obviously doesnt know Brian Sabean. A-Rod has already met with the top Giants management and has expressed interest in playing their. Looking at all angles of the deal, I'm thinking that we'll see A-Rod in Orange & Black next year.
2007-07-18 10:15:36
answer #3
answered by Black&Orange 4
Maybe, I doubt it though.
He wont stay with the Yankees ...
1. He's not happy there
2. Fans hate him
He may go with the Red Sox...
1. They went after him once before
2. Mike Lowell's (3rd base) contract is up this year
2007-07-18 09:41:57
answer #4
answered by Let's go Red Sox! 4
A-Rod will be back in New York. He will opt out of his contract this year, simply so he can get guarenteed money for the rest of his career. He will not leave the bronx bombers and will get a 10 year 300 mil contract.
2007-07-18 09:32:46
answer #5
answered by koolkern 2
Sounds like it might be the Red Sox that Pay Rod enough!
2007-07-18 09:33:08
answer #6
answered by WB78 1
I think he will stay with the Yankees they too much of a rep to keep up to let him go, but then again you never know it will all come down to money and numbers...
2007-07-18 09:38:15
answer #7
answered by jayana412 2
Is that a serious question? Hell no! Maybe the Red Sox, but not to San Fran....the team sucks, and the park is too damn big.
2007-07-18 09:31:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Doubt it. After signing Zito to that ridiculous contract last year they really don't have the money.
2007-07-18 09:38:58
answer #9
answered by elltea87 2
i doubt it. the giants dont have enough money for him and plus if hes helping the yankees this season dont you think that they'll keep him and see what he does next season??? well i do.
2007-07-18 10:48:02
answer #10
answered by carmelo anthonyz wifey 1