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12 answers

Ah, so your thinking is that if time and space are limitless, all is possible within it?

Possible, but prove your "if" first.

After all, if time for instance is infinite - then it surely isnt passing and the passage of time is not growing as it does pass because you cannot add 1 to infinity, whether it be a day, an hour or a minute.

2007-07-17 20:50:53 · answer #1 · answered by Caffeine Fiend 4 · 0 0

In some science books the universe' shape is postulated.

Also, with the Big Bang theory accepted, its expansion since time origin, indicates a volume tied to time by expansion rate.

Presently, it seems that a new age of acceleration has begun / been discovered. Nonetheless, if it is expanding at some measurable rate, this also indicates for the time stated (ca 15 bill years?) a certain volume being indicated, doesn't it.

That the number is question are so large doesn't change their basic relationships, if I understand it correctly.

Intelligent design is seen in every facet of the earth's biosphere, so just because something could be made doesn't mean that it will. An example is a pen. Men made pens and pencils. Nature has never produced such.

2007-07-18 05:13:46 · answer #2 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 0 0

Just because something has the potential to exist does not mean that it does exist.
Plato claimed that the idea of something is the essence of it's existence. An object's potential existence is more real than it's physical existence, I agree. If the universe is infinite ( I don't agree) but let's say IF then it is unending but still linear in it's expansion, therefore objects come into being at a certain point in time. Thus, they did NOT exist prior to that.
If Plato is correct and an ideal plane exists then all potential objects are real. At least in another dimension.
The Hindus believe that WE are the creator in the sense that we are all parts of the whole. Our mind/soul/consciousness is a small part of the universal soul/mind/consciousness that creates what is found in reality. If we can imagine it and if enough of us envision it then it WILL come to be. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy, so to speak.

2007-07-18 04:10:07 · answer #3 · answered by Dr Awkward 6 · 0 0

The physical reality is understood in relation to its observer in terms of time, scale, distance, etc. These are all mental constructs relating to our perceptions, a frame of reference. From these we extrapolate the nature of reality, an internally recreated conscious projection of reality.

From inference we transcend the limitations of observation, or direct sensory experience. In this manner the structure of the universe (physical reality) mutates with our ever more complex insights aided by our ever more complicated techniques of measurement and observation.

Existence has no boundary. Infinity is a function of existence. Nothingness is a function of existence. In a universe with infinite possibilities, everything that can exist necessarily must eventually come into being, but, though we can envision such a universe, the question is what is the nature of reality outside of consciousness, in other words, what is the truth behind the appearance?

If no conscious entity existed, can we still talk about the existence of a physical universe? Existence is a function of consciousness or awareness, even if it be basic. Without life, in a universe purely inanimate, existence dissipates, becomes a meaningless concept. As consciousness expands, so does the universe. What we envision, we make. Before an idea existed, did the possibility exist of its materialisation or did it become possible once conceived?

Everything that can exist will ultimately exist through its coming into being through consciousness. What cannot be conceived will never come into consciousness and what cannot come into consciousness, will never come into being.
(When we observe something new, it came into being through our becoming aware of it).

Reality is consciousness. Take it away and take all away.

2007-07-18 12:11:52 · answer #4 · answered by concentrated points of energy 3 · 0 0

The universe, as everything, is unlimited, limits are only for, and therefore in, the manner of seeing. Where we have characteristics in our observation that we ascribe to each and every thing to classify and distinguish from the rest of the things, there is also a characteristic that we ascribe to limitlessness and endlessness. When we use worlds like ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’, then if we do not speak relatively as there is noting in the box, or everything you need is in the room, we speak in terms of the absolute, something that is beyond all we can identify through characteristic. We can for instance understand that this is solar system, but when we say this is the universe, we mean only a part of it that is in our experience while the rest is only imagined to be there and yet there is no limit even in imagining how big this universe is as we do not see, even in our imagination, what could be beyond all we see. So how can it be even when we feel that it can be. Imagine something that is not made up of, entirely, or in parts of the things of the world that are already there.

The universe is not unlimited; it is the limitlessness that we perceive as the universe plus possibilities beyond. The fact about our observation is that we perceive all things through their parts. When we see a garden, we see it in parts, as flowers, leaves, trees, grass and fountains. Can you perceive a garden without all these things in the mind? Similarly, we perceive the existence also in parts as a universe, or more then one universes present, and then the universe as a sum total of galaxies, and galaxies of starts etc.

The fact is that the ability of anything to be is unrestricted, as it has always been. If a thing can be now then that thing has always been, therefore when it comes to being of everything nothing can be, but all things can be known to be or not to be at some place in time and space. There is nothing time-bound in being, it is, or it is not. If anything can be, then it has always been.

The universe might be endless or unlimited, but it is complete for each instance that it is.

2007-07-18 10:09:29 · answer #5 · answered by Shahid 7 · 0 0

Hypothetically speaking, no. The universe still has laws, we call these the Laws of Physics. Things like information cannot be lost, space-time, etc are all laws of the universe. On the realistic side it is highly unlikely that the universe is infinite, although it seems like that to us (as far as we can see the density of solar systems is still vast). So the real question is, what's beyond our universe?

2007-07-18 03:59:24 · answer #6 · answered by Nick T 3 · 1 0

the laws of physics, chemistry, biology still apply.
anything that is possible probably does exist, but only if they do not conflict with the laws of the universe.

2007-07-18 04:22:58 · answer #7 · answered by Ashamed2beHuman 4 · 0 0

Physical or metaphysical, the universe is in our perception based on OUR concepts of reality. So, YES......the possibility exists...

2007-07-18 03:51:07 · answer #8 · answered by superbird 4 · 1 2

yeah anything you can imagine has to exist because the universe is infinite

and that's why evolution is believeable


2007-07-18 03:50:59 · answer #9 · answered by imperialism 2 · 0 1

No. I'm sorry but you cannot make things happen simply by wishing it so.

2007-07-18 05:29:56 · answer #10 · answered by los 7 · 0 0

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