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6 answers

Those are both good answers. But not all erotica out there is good enough to be called art. From a writing standpoint, I see pornography as flat out graphic descriptions of acts of sex. Erotica is soft focused - blurred a bit - just to take enough edge off in order to leave something to the imagination. What I see very often is authors who go so far out of their way to avoid the hard edge of pornography that they end up with this hilarious purple prose - using flowery language and goofy terms to describe body parts, acts etc. Some of them are so bad it is actually funny. In fact there is an annual contest for the worst erotic work and those goofy terms are part of the judging criteria. You can look up some samples of the winners. They will crack you up. Pax - C

2007-07-17 18:01:40 · answer #1 · answered by Persiphone_Hellecat 7 · 1 0

Actually, nothing. Erotica is a "higher" class; it would be "art". If it is more "vulgar", then it would be "pornography".

2007-07-17 17:54:09 · answer #2 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 0 1

erotica is something that is nude but gives you a good feeling an art.
PORNOGRAPHY is something that shows nudity just to show that it is nude.

PORN - not ART!!!

EROTICA from the root word EROS means love for your partner

EROTICA is something GOOD as simple as that

2007-07-17 17:55:25 · answer #3 · answered by Rex Ian T 2 · 0 0

erotica is something you can share with your girlfriend, pornography is something you can't

2007-07-17 17:59:24 · answer #4 · answered by sshueman 5 · 1 1

One is for art's sake and the other is vulgar. At least that's what the artists all say.

2007-07-17 18:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

your opinion

2007-07-17 17:59:24 · answer #6 · answered by mysticalviking 5 · 0 0

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