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ok so i have leaked information on harry potter 7 my friends and me have planned to drive near borders books and leak the info to the eager harry potter fans. yes i know this has been done already but its the last book and the reactions would bring much laughs. so what do u think of this situation. consequences? hilarity? youtube fame? whats your take on this

2007-07-17 17:47:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

umm liar nooo...........here u go harry marries ginny and has 3 kids and ron marries hermione, harry kills voldemort (finally) and the last lines read " the scar had not pained harry for 18 years. all was well"

2007-07-17 17:52:06 · update #1

i forget the exact place i found this information and am to lazy to find it now but i do have this much more: snape dies on pg 659

2007-07-17 17:59:34 · update #2

haha i might not even go through the trouble now since u have all brought me my entertainment i larfed a lot anyway i will have to find some more leaked info but just remember how funny it was when one guy said "snape kills dumbledore" that much info caused outbreak so tomm. i will update w/info so kthxbi

2007-07-17 18:10:03 · update #3

Burbage dies on pg. 12
Hedwig dies on pg. 56
Mad-Eye dies on pg. 76
Scrimgeor dies on pg. 15
Wormtail dies on pg. 471
Dobby dies on pg. 476
Snape dies on pg. 658
Fred Weasly dies on pg. 637
Harry has a major fight with Voldemort on pg. 704 and "dies" but then comes back to life on pg. 724
Im sure theres more but i dont have that info right now anyway many other minor charictures die also but i wont put in any more spoilers unless requested or if i find a bunch more or need to update my info

2007-07-18 06:59:37 · update #4

9 answers


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So, even though book seven coincides with year seven at Hogwarts, JK Rowling goes back on her word and tells us what happens in the future (a la Harry and Ginny having 3 kids)?

Again, I say Liar.

Why don't you post the number of pages and chapters in the book and we'll check back in a couple days to see if you're right? Throw a few random Chapter titles in there as well.

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You can tell us Snape dies on pg 659 but nothing else? I would think that the total # of pages in a book would be an easier # to remember than the exact page an event happens in the book.

What did you guys do, read some article online that told you it was exclusive "leaked" info from the book? Don't have me convinced, so whether you or anyone else comes running buy "spoiling" things for me, I probably just won't believe you. Unless of course you give me some "real" info from the book.

Sorry if I ruined your fun game here. What answer were you looking for, "Noooo, please don't tell me, I will be soooo mad at you!!!!!!"? Sorry, I'm not that gullible.

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Convenient that you forget where you found your info, and are too lazy to look it up, but you have enough energy to create lies to try to rile up HP fans.

2007-07-17 17:49:45 · answer #1 · answered by pa 5 · 4 2

Don't do that. It's definitely NOT funny... Do you really want to spoil this for other people who have been eaggerly waiting for this moment for a long time?
Besides, I don't think that many people would believe you. I know I wouldn't. That is, until I read the book and see if you were right, or wrong, which what I suspect...
Oh, yes, I am looking forward to your update with more "leaked" info...

2007-07-17 17:51:21 · answer #2 · answered by LizzWeasley 5 · 2 2

Ah, yet another person who has fallen for false information and who believes they can and should use it to ruin the enjoyment of others.

2007-07-17 18:19:22 · answer #3 · answered by knight1192a 7 · 0 2

Spoilers here:

Based on the pics at the end of that site I'd guess those are real spoliers.

2007-07-17 18:37:23 · answer #4 · answered by Nicky Styx 3 · 1 1

Dont be stupid! Argh!!! Shut ur mouth!!!How many friends do u have? Well they must all be inconsiderent jerks like urself!!

2007-07-17 18:05:42 · answer #5 · answered by Sh00ting_St@r! 4 · 1 1

wow...i think i am going to be the only one thats going to say... i feel sorry for you, u dimwitted jock.

2007-07-17 18:12:03 · answer #6 · answered by V 4 · 0 1

You have friends???

2007-07-17 18:18:38 · answer #7 · answered by ohligschlager2007 3 · 0 1


2007-07-18 01:22:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have friends???...........

2007-07-17 17:50:44 · answer #9 · answered by chazta01 5 · 4 2

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