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Was the seventh book "Harry POtter and the Deathly HAllows" leaked IN ITS ENTIRETY online?

2007-07-17 14:59:27 · 11 answers · asked by mevelyn2551 3 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

11 answers

no, they found that it was a fraud...thank goodness!<<<<<333333

2007-07-17 15:08:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ali 2 · 2 0

I've heard differing opinions.

It is possible, as the books have started to be shipped out in the past week, with libraries & small bookstores being some of the first to recieve them. The only ones that have the authority to actually *open* the boxes are the libraries, as all of the copies have to be catalogued, barcoded, & entered into the database. It is believed that if in fact the book leaked onto the internet is real, that it is a library copy. If you look at one of the first pages, which is of the title & artwork, you can see that the cover has been bound in the typical library plastic & bound with tape at the edges. This tape is still visible in the other pictures.

I've heard that several different copies were leaked, but by Scholastic themselves. This is to be a safeguard against people who would put the actual book on the internet, as any scans of the real book would soon by drowned out by the sheer number of fake scans on the net or people would assume that the one on the internet is the real one & not try to steal or scan any other books.

The only contradicting thing about any of these being fake is that Scholastic has taken down every website that has photos of this book. They didn't go to nearly this much trouble for the last book, so why do it for this one? I've read parts of the leaked copy & it is pretty good. If it's a fake, then it's probably one of the best hoaxes I've ever seen. I almost want it to be fake so I can laugh at myself later for being taken in.

2007-07-17 19:43:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hi. to no longer be impolite, yet you're conscious that the spoilers you examine are incorrect. they have been unfold by way of a goof-ball fan-fiction author. listed here are the genuine spoilers... i will attempt to be slightly imprecise. a million. the suited conflict takes places interior the large corridor of Hogwarts. What you notice on the U. S. e book cover is that scene. The orange sky's the paranormal ceiling of the large corridor, and the shadows at the back of Voldy and HP are the persons gazing the duel. 2. between the Weasleys gets murdered. yet another one is maimed. 3. The Deathly Hallows consult with 3 magical gadgets. 2 of which, we've considered a great deal interior the previous novels. i will call one... Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Now you realize why JKR continuously made a sprint that there grow to be some thing very unique approximately it. 4. Harry and Herimone bypass to Godric's hollow at Christmas time. 5. sure, Sirius Black is formally ineffective. He did no longer stay to tell the tale the Veil. he's no longer in yet another length. he's long gone, yet you will see him back temporarily. 6. Kreacher is appropriate to between the Horcrux's. He enjoyed and favourite his grasp Regulus Black. 7. The e book open's up with Voldermort and his Deatheaters camping out on the Malfoy manor domicile. 8. Hedwig is killed by way of a Deatheater whilst Harry is making an attempt to flee Privetcontinual. 9. Dudley, earlier fleeing for defense and protection, thank you Harry for saving him from the Dementors in e book 5. 10. Snape knew Aunt Petunia whilst they have been very youthful. you may desire to declare, he's the reason she has an incredible dislike and concern for magic. 11. Dumbledore has many darkish kinfolk skeleton's interior the proverbial closet. He additionally has many regrets. He additionally lied whilst requested what he observed whilst looking into the reflect of Erised. 12. Voldermort has discovered to fly by way of his very own potential. 13. Snape's patronous shows no count number if he's physically powerful or undesirable to the reader and what his genuine reason of his strikes are...

2016-10-08 23:15:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Some might have, but I am skeptical because the book online ends on page 759, when the real one is confirmed to be 784 pages long. If you wish to look go to the websites listed below. I know a couple of people were it was confirmed to be fake. Losers with no life who wrote like 800 pages. Or else someone who claimed it was on the Prime Ministers behalf, going by the name of Gabriel, a complete fraud.

2007-07-18 12:46:54 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I think it is a fake. The real book is very heavily guarded. And especially if the book that they are taking pictures of is an actual book and not hacked from someones computer. The bookstores dont even have the books yet so I dont see how someone could get an actual copy of the book lol.

2007-07-17 15:06:39 · answer #5 · answered by justme 3 · 0 0

AliCat, do you know where they CONFIRMED that it was fake? Because if it is truely fake...*screams with joy*

I've heard that 3 different alleged books were placed on the 'Net, all with contridicting spoilers. But the epilogue is all that I accidently came across--and it SUCKS, trust me. I'm almost 100% it's gotta be fake. A lot of people think it's a fake, too, except LJ (LiveJournal). I'll add the link, but let me warn you, there are 1000 SPOILERS! They treat it like it's the actual book, which I don't believe.

2007-07-17 15:16:10 · answer #6 · answered by Becky 2 · 0 0

YES. MOST PEOPLE WILL DISSAGREE WITH ME. there is a fake running around on the internet that is just a fan fiction, however there is also a real version which is actual pictures of the entire book cover to cover, if you have a torrent client look around on various sites for a file that is around 50 megabytes. if you dont have a torrent client email me at akira235@gmail.com with a request and i will send you a copy

2007-07-18 19:54:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I wouldn't bet on it. 10 or so years ago Maybe, but now there is not a chance, and if it did I will guarntee the perptrator is in Federal Custody and you can take that to the bank.

2007-07-17 15:11:23 · answer #8 · answered by Don M 7 · 0 0

i've read a lot about this on the internet, and most of the websites say it was fake, but a very good one at that...i cant believe that someone would be so desperate for attention to do that...i've added some links that may be of interest to you =}

2007-07-17 15:06:50 · answer #9 · answered by Becka 4 · 2 0

yes, for a little while. That person is now going to be in a HUGE civil court mess if they find him. I would say it was a "poor choice".

2007-07-17 15:09:59 · answer #10 · answered by dedum 6 · 0 0

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