Okay, so on the last day of school I Sprayed shaving creme on and scratched a teachers
car bumper. they were very small scratches. I get pulled in to the office. My mom comes and they look at the damage. So the car was already badly scratched all the way around.
He says that he wont press charges and wont blame me for anything if some thing else happens to his car. Okay so a day later he calls and says that the price to fix it is $2000. A few days later i come home from downtown and he calls and says that all his tires are popped and he wants us to pay for it. thats another 600.
so we have a meeting with the superentendent
and the teacher goes on about how i almost killed him and his girl freind on the freeway becuase of the tires i didnt pop. he says then that he is going to press charges against me any way. he promised my mother that he wouldnt. The reason i was so mad at him was becuase i felt that he would always be taunting me in class about how i think hes an asshole.
13 answers
asked by
Steven M
Education & Reference
➔ Teaching
i did this becuase he always goes on about how good looking he is and how pretty his white girl freind. also about what a great teacher he is and how hes such a good swimmer and how we always give him attitude and should be soooo appreciative of him. it just really anoying be cuase for some reason i get accused of putting make up in class when i just put on chap stick for one second when im done all my work.
He says i dont particpate yet i put my sentence on the board every day.
he taunts to me becuase for some reason he knows i think that he is an asshole so in class. he goes on about
"well since you think im an asshole"
or "Steven Here thinks Im asshole"
i know i sound like a total ***** but still.
i just wanna know that if i have a right to be mad of not. he also accused my mother of lying when sh said that she saw the scratches on his car before.
14:15:06 ·
update #1
Get a lawyer. Challenge it. No evidence- no charge.
Maybe he'll mellow out a bit after his near-death experience...
Lesson: You don't creme the cars of the teachers that are most likely to kill you...
2007-07-17 14:18:13
answer #1
answered by Allison Cameron 2
Sure you can be mad at him but it wouldn't be right. If what you say is all true - and we only have your side of the story - you defaced his property. Emphasis on "his property" - you did not own it. Nor did you have the right to complain when he sent you the bill. You have no proof that it was only a few small scrapes on his car - no before picture means no evidence to prove your side.
My question for you is did you unintentionally damage his tires in this scraping and creaming vandalism act of yours? If you cannot prove that you did not you may be libel for the tires. On the other hand he had already taken the car in for an estimate and you need to get a copy of that estimate in writing from the business (not your teacher) to make sure they didn't mention needing new tires or that they had been scraped.
If it did mention that they had been scraped and he and his girl friend had been hurt or killed you might have been charged with a felony - possibly as high as a murder charge.
Now, to be very honest and blunt with you. You vandalized someone else's property because you were afraid that he might - emphasis on 'might' - be taunting you about your personal views about him. It seems - this is implied in your story - that you feel this way about him and he found out. You got mad not because he's a jerk but because he found out - the person you were mad at was yourself, not him, yet YOU destroyed/damaged his property.
You owe him at least the $2000. You need to get an attorney because if he is filing charges (and if I had proof that you did this I would too) you will need one.
Time to grow up - not fun but necessary. Treat others as you want to be treated - with respect - and they may actually treat you better than you expect. Treat them poorly and you get treated with the same respect you gave them. You've made a poor choice here and got caught. Will you do this again? I don't know but make a better choice the next time you are in this situation - you deserve better and so does your mother.
2007-07-17 14:56:25
answer #2
answered by Keb 2
I think you and your parents should have to pay for the shaving cream/scratch fix. As for the tires, there is nothing he can do but file a police report if there is no proof. I also think you should be suspended for a few days, but since it was the last day of school, you should have Saturday work day a couple of weeks in a row. ( That is our disciple policy at our school). On Saturday Work day, you have to come to school on Saturday at 7:00-11:00 am and do chores around the school. ex. pick up trash, rake leaves, weed flower beds, sweep gym and pick up trash after games, etc.
If you truly think he is taunting you and using curse words, then get a small tape recorder and record him telling you these things. He would get fired!
2007-07-17 16:10:18
answer #3
answered by bayoubelle24 5
Take responsibility for your actions. If you really believe that this teacher is picking on you (probably not) do not give him or any other person the power to make you do anything. The fact that you feel that he does not like you does not answer the question, "Why did you mess with his car?" I am sure that this is not the first incident that you have had with teachers or students alike. Your only job is to do well in school and become a respectable citizen.
2007-07-17 15:48:30
answer #4
answered by twisted 1
If you have a problem with your teacher, it should be taken up in an offical manner. Normally the Pricipal would deal with such complaints about teachers behaviour.
You can speak to your parents and who ever is in a position to sort such problems out.
You do not go about people problems by sabotaging thier car, or yelling abuse at them or anything else.
No one is as likily to help you now that you have done this.
If you want help you should try what you think you can to put this problem right again.
Yes, you could have caused an accident if the tired failed to grib the raod for what ever reason.
I am suprised your not expelled from your school.
Now, think through this problem and how best to deal with it rationally.
2007-07-17 15:06:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
that's stressful to declare without understanding what you probably did. From all of us's reaction, it would desire to be incredibly extreme. tell the instructor you're sorry and tell everybody who observed the incident, additionally. Be as superb and strong to everybody as you probable can. do not point out the incident or whine appropriate to the variety you're being dealt with. In some months issues could get better. If not, consult from a counselor, tell them the actual fact approximately what you probably did and what got here approximately in a while, and in line with danger you will get moved to a distinctive room.
2016-09-30 05:32:05
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Horrible behavior on your part. You have to learn that even when you get a teacher you dislike, you will be done with him soon. Taking it into your own hands is only going to bring you grief. When you get a car of your own, you'll know how much everything costs. He could have put you into the juvenile justice system, try explaining to the judge that he made you mad.
adults know that there are consequences to actions. grow up.
2007-07-17 16:48:46
answer #7
answered by eastacademic 7
I am a teacher. If I ever saw a student vandalizing my car, you BET I would be pressing charges and getting every dime I could out of that student to fix it. I expect the student would want my money if I vandalized HIS car.
There is no excuse for vandalism. If you had a problem with a teacher, you should have gone to the principal.
2007-07-17 15:56:26
answer #8
answered by Vincent A 4
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that he said that he wouldn't blame you if anything else happened to his car after it was obvious that you had a record of doing things to his car. You are the obvious culprit, especially after he told you that it would cost you $2000 to fix the car.
I'm also not sure why he would taunt you about your thinking he was an asshole. If he said something about it, you must have told him, or he must have overheard your saying this. You also don't say that he DID taunt you, but that you felt he would. That was certainly your, not his, fault!
So to make a long story short, no, you don't have a right to be mad at him. He has every right to be mad at you.
2007-07-17 14:16:35
answer #9
answered by neniaf 7
You should be removed from school and put in prison. That way you are not a hindrance to the education system nor a danger to yourself, the teacher, and society at large. You are a sociopath. Keep going the direction you are and you'll end up in jail or living in Mexico. In other words, grow up.
2007-07-17 15:22:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous