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Is the locket that is a horcrux the same locket that almost killed katie bell and the same locket that was thrown out from the house of black?

2007-07-17 13:42:30 · 9 answers · asked by jlo4is 1 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

9 answers

no to katie bell, yes to the house of black

2007-07-17 13:45:21 · answer #1 · answered by fairyp80 3 · 0 0

The real horcrux locket was not the locket that almost killed katie bell. It is not for sure the one that was thrown out out the black house, but there is a good chance that it is.

2007-07-17 20:52:17 · answer #2 · answered by Smoky Joe 2 · 0 0

ok heres how i see it:
katie was given a necklace, not a locket so no to that theory.
it IS, however, the locket that was supposedly thrown out at the Black house (remember, creature stole lots of stuff and it easily could have been lost).
RAB is Regulus Black. he stole the horcrux and hid it at the black house before he died. Mundungus found it and either has it with him (in azkaban, right? havent read that part in a while) or he sold it.
TADA thats my theory :]
yes i am aware i am a geek

2007-07-17 20:53:15 · answer #3 · answered by soon2befamous73 3 · 0 0

no the thing that hurt katie was a pearl necklace that was cursed by madam rosemary, i think.

if your talking about the locket that Kreacher had, i'm pretty sure that the locket that was thrown wasn't the same locket, because the horcruxes have been in place for awhile UNLESS RAB is actually sirius's brother, then it is possible that the regulus hid it somewhere in the house and it was found when they were cleanin it

2007-07-17 20:51:37 · answer #4 · answered by yoda 2 · 0 0

Malfoy did not have possession of the locket and what he gave to Rosmerta to give to one of the female students was a cursed opal necklace. Rosmerta, who you may remember had been placed under the Imperius Curse by Malfoy to do his bidding, placed Katie Bell under the Imperius Curse and gave her a package containing the necklace to give to Dumbledore. Katie didn't come into contact with it until the package broke.

The locket is a goldlocket with a serpentine S on it.

2007-07-17 21:09:38 · answer #5 · answered by knight1192a 7 · 0 0

no the necklace that was given to Katie didn't have a locket on it ( i think it was a beaded necklace?). as for the one mentioned in Sirius' old house, it might be. J.K. Rowling has been known to slip details into the book that the readers will think of as not important, maybe even forget about, but they turn out to be crucial to the storyline in the end.

2007-07-17 20:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by little12 1 · 0 0

itwasnot a locket that was given to katie but a necklace
and yes it was the one thrown out or in other words the one mundungas stole

2007-07-17 20:46:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no the necklace katie got was just something that had dark magic that would kill intended for Dumbledore. The many theories suggest that the necklace that couldnt be opened in OotP is the Horcrux. just wait 3more days and 6hours

2007-07-17 20:52:14 · answer #8 · answered by LADIDAH 5 · 0 0

No. It was the one destroyed (we assume) by the mysterious R.A.B., who got to it before Dumbledore did.

2007-07-17 20:46:58 · answer #9 · answered by texasjewboy12 6 · 0 0

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