Well first you wouldwant it to be made into a book...then I think that if a director or producer or somebody reads t and says 'Oh, hmm..maybe this would make a good movie.' then I guess they jst go ask the author about it. But I'm not really sure.
2007-07-17 12:27:34
answer #1
answered by Monkeybananas 4
Get a director interested.
Directors are usually the ones who'll pick up a book and say: Hey, this could work as a movie!
The thing is not all books are great movie potential. Gore Vidal is a great writer, but his stories would lose almost everything in movie form, because he is so strong at playing with the weight and rhythm of words.
And generally speaking, Hollywood is more interested in popular fiction than literature. Something they can translate into direct action on the screen. Stephen King has had a great relationship with Hollywood because his books, although weird, are ultimately about things that can physically harm you and that works well on the screen.
2007-07-17 19:30:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Buy a copy of The Writer's Market.
It lists contact information for Literary Agencies
You need a Literary Agency to find an Agent for you.
If the Literary Agency likes your work, they will contact you.
2007-07-17 19:42:15
answer #3
answered by newyorkgal71 7
First you write a novel and publish it. I hope your writing on the book is better than this question or you will remain in dream land for ever.
2007-07-17 19:33:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You should shop your manuscript to Literary Agents. A literary agent will not only find a publisher that is a good match to publish your book, they can also shop it to movie production companies. Good Luck!
2007-07-17 19:35:32
answer #5
answered by www.crystalweddings.ca 2
good luck lol - you will need it
& anyway, they mostly change the storyline from the novel and make it into a movie script.
2007-07-17 20:34:41
answer #6
answered by llauraa 2