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I've never read it and I have always preferred more serious and less child like fantasy stories e.g. LOTR Yet many of my male acquaintances who are avid fantasy fans are into Harry Potter far less than many women I know who are not into the genre at all, just the Harry Potter books.

2007-07-17 11:02:32 · 6 answers · asked by Jennifer The Red 2 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

6 answers

ANYONE who DOESN"T read HP is crazy!!

2007-07-17 11:07:07 · answer #1 · answered by That'sINTENSE! 4 · 1 2

hmmm... well i think it's evenly split. I don't think the series has a really serious attraction or turn off to either gender. I could see where either gender would read it more. With guys it's kind of like a big action thing about a guy saving the day. Women would more or less appreciate the book as a whole.

2007-07-17 11:07:36 · answer #2 · answered by Momo70707 5 · 2 0

In general I find that women are more likely to read any form of fiction than men.
The guys read magazines and how to books

2007-07-17 11:34:09 · answer #3 · answered by keezy 7 · 1 0

definitely your tale is illogical. nicely written, yet illogical. ...why are Lupin and Tonks, and Voldemort ALIVE? ...Is Ashley a character you made up? if so, she is a Mary Sue. ...you're copying the 1st e book with the Gringotts destroy-in component.

2016-12-14 11:46:33 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

it depends...the majority of people who work for mugglecast and mugglenet are guys. the only girl really is Laura, and them some behinds the scenes peps.

2007-07-17 12:07:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's you. I am female and don't read it. But I know several men that do.

2007-07-17 11:09:48 · answer #6 · answered by thejenmartin 3 · 1 0

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