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I have very irritating sisters and they blackmail me to do what they want by saying "I'll mess up your room if you don't ______". I have trying to lock my room but everyone in my house has a key that works to my room. All my sisters have to do is unlock the door do whatever and lock it again and I might never know. Please help me I need something to let me know someone has been in my room.

2007-07-17 10:10:41 · 6 answers · asked by anonymous 1 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

6 answers

The only for sure way is to get documented proof such as a video.

I have a Logitech camera that came with a program that allows for Motion Detection. So, If anyone came into your room, it would start recording.

on Ebay, here is one that has a Buy it Now - $3.95 with $8.00 shipping & Handling.

Logitech ClickSmart 310 WebCam & Digital Camera Web Cam

There are other tecniques to detect if someone has been in your room but this is def the best way to prove who that person is.

Just make sure you tape over the "On" light on the camera because that could give it away that it is recording.

2007-07-17 10:41:26 · answer #1 · answered by Bob 5 · 0 0

Take some fishing line and string it about ankle high on the side of the door that the door opens away from. Someone will trip on it in the middle of the night. Too, you could prop a chair under the door handle to keep the out while you are there. You could also try coming clean about whatever they are blackmailing you about cause once it is out in the open they don't have any more leverage.

2007-07-17 10:15:55 · answer #2 · answered by MJ 6 · 0 0

Attach a bell to a string and tack it to the ceiling a few inches in front of your door. When ever the door is opened it will strike the bell and you can hear it from anywhere.

There are also inexpesive "entry alarms" at store like K-Mart and Wal-Mart that people us in small businesses. But you have to screw them to the wall and they need batteries.

2007-07-17 10:22:26 · answer #3 · answered by ishootvideo2002 4 · 0 0

Change the lock with a deadbolt and you and a trusted member of the family are the only keyholders.

Good Luck

2007-07-18 07:12:08 · answer #4 · answered by Comp-Elect 7 · 0 0

Electronic circuits for the hobbyist by VA3AVR( this is a bookmark phrase on my computer. It may have to be shortened to come up with the actual internet address)

2007-07-17 10:18:06 · answer #5 · answered by Joseph 3 · 0 0

baby power on the carpet will show foot prints also you can put tape on the door to see it the seal is broken...these wont stop anyone but just show if someone has entered the room

2007-07-17 10:19:09 · answer #6 · answered by Brian & Candy O 2 · 0 0

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