That depends highly on the person. Consider:
In some sense love is not real. You can't set love on a table and examine it like you can a stone. But people do experience it... so if it exists at all, it exists only inside the mind.
This means that for some people, love does not exist, is impossible to find, or is of little value when they do find it. Their minds simply cannot contain the love that others' can. And for some people love ALWAYS exists, because their minds are so full of it that they see it everywhere they look.
That's the important difference. Some people can't imagine living without love because it's like the air they breathe. Some can't imagine living with it because it's something they've never seen or never want to.
So it goes.
2007-07-17 11:13:43
answer #1
answered by Doctor Why 7
Real love is almost impossible to find. Almost. If you find it great, but I would wait my whole life expecting it if I were you.
Mostly it's romantic love, parental love, brotherly love, love of those who are dependent on you, sexual love, love based on having children together, you name it...
2007-07-17 16:26:36
answer #2
answered by jck_kerouac 2
I do not agree. Love is one of the special, unexplainable, dizzying things that make life worthwhile. And I certainly think that life is worthwhile, so why shouldn't one of the things that make it so be un-worthwhile
2007-07-17 16:23:37
answer #3
answered by Jenna 5
love is what makes everyone live.
2007-07-17 16:25:12
answer #4
answered by Lu 5