OHhhhhhhhhhhhh,. shut up.
2007-07-17 09:14:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well there are only two sexes. I'm not trying to judge or discriminate, but it is a biological term.
Transgendered people are male or female. They just happened to be a different sex than they were when born. At my former place of work, Michelle used the women's room. When she used to be Michael, she used the men's room.
Hermaphrodites have characteristics from both sexes, and should choose which they identify with, even if it changes from time to time. They are not a third sex, they are a blend of two sexes.
Asexual persons can choose which they identify with as well. Again, they are not a third sex, they are no sex.
Actually, you know what I think the best solution would be? Have only one restroom, and call it a "restroom" or "toilet". No sex. Have stalls only inside, fully private. That solves the whole issue. And it might encourage people to grow up a little and not get so hung up simple matters of biology.
2007-07-17 16:21:30
answer #2
answered by Diminati 5
Policies are starting to change. For example Ohio State University is putting unisex restrooms in every single new building and renovation they do. At the place I work (Sears) transpeople are allowed to use the restroom they feel most comfortable in as long as they don't switch between restrooms repeatedly and there's a unisex/family restroom in the attached shopping mall. As someone that's somewhere between transsexual and genderqueer I know first-hand how much it sucks not having a restroom at most places. Heck, even the GLBT establishments around here don't have them.
2007-07-18 00:30:04
answer #3
answered by carora13 6
Don't you have anything better to worry about?
Hermaphrodites can use either and do so based on their primary gender identity. Androgynes also identify themselves with a primary gender. As for the Transgendered, they too use the restroom appropriate for their current physical attributes (although there can be problems during the transition)
2007-07-17 16:19:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In california the law states that you use the restroom of the sex you are projecting, this covers tansvestites and transsexuals. Androgynes and hermaphrodites can use either
2007-07-17 16:20:36
answer #5
answered by startrektosnewenterpriselovethem 6
If a person has both genitals of a man and a woman, they decide to either live as a female or male. That is what restroom they would choose, that is what they would put down on a job application.
They are not 2 people. You should do research on this because I don't think you know enough about this.
2007-07-17 16:15:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately you can't make so many restrooms. we should each use the rest room of the gender we identify with. As fir the androgynous i think they should decide either which gender they lean more towards or which gender they look more like. No matter what nobody should complain as the rest rooms are there to take care of a bodily function.
2007-07-17 19:07:46
answer #7
answered by juliapnowak 1
I doubt many hermaphrodites and transgendered people want to announce it by having a "special" bathroom. That's like putting a flashing neon sign over their head saying "Lookie here! Society doesn't accept me!". These people go through enough societal torment without having to make a spectacle of themselves. I think most prefer using whichever restroom they most identify with. i.e. A woman who is transgender from a male would use the ladies room.
As far as the check off boxes, there is usually one that says "Prefer not to say".
You're right, they are people too...and that's why they want to live as everyone else.
2007-07-17 16:20:19
answer #8
answered by Rachel-Pit Police-DSMG 6
We have his and hers restrooms out of custom, and its customary for gender benders and breakers to pick and choose which one to go into as suits their needs and moods. As for cultures where there are still remains of third+ gender roles, I just don't know, there's probably some agreed-on ettiquete to go in one bathroom or the other, of course I'm assuming that they have men's and women's restrooms in those places.
Intersex, on the other hand, is a series of body types not a social gender, they go to whichever bathroom they're supposed to, but probably favor the more private stalls.
2007-07-17 16:21:50
answer #9
answered by geramd4040 3
Your question is really great. I have several friends who are androgynous and are transgenders, not both; they're different people, okay? They use the public restrooms that they feel most comfortable with. That is to say, a man who has changed over to become a woman, either by operation or by androgyny, uses the woman's room and vise versa. I don't know if I worded that right. (You must also excuse my spelling; spell check isn't working right now; I think I accidently broke it! lol)
2007-07-17 16:24:42
answer #10
answered by Keselyű 4
I agree, to a point....I think that our society hasn't evolved enough to have a true discussion about the 3rd sex. But, I'm not opposed to making more restrooms and the lot.
Neville - you are obviously a child, otherwise you would know that hermaphrodites are made by ''God''. So are transgendered....grow up and go back to school already...
2007-07-17 16:22:27
answer #11
answered by Oberon 6