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2007-07-16 17:42:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

16 answers

Somebody said: Every man alone is sincere; at the entrance of another hypocrisy begins.In my loneliness I reach out to things that spur me to higher realms of thoughts and stimulate me to do good.

2007-07-20 16:15:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ishan26 7 · 1 0

who ever said that lonliness was good? I don't think that lonliness is good. To be lonely implies that we are suffering (as opposed to enjoying the company of others - of course, allow for those who may suggest that being in the company of others could imply suffering. Its all how you perceive yourself and your world). However, we can be alone or on our own sometimes, which can be a good thing. If you feel lonely, you probably are. If you are alone but on top of the world, then no way are you lonely!

2007-07-17 01:22:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Loneliness is good because it gives you an idea that there is something in you that is missing. Loneliness surfaces when your present being does not realize that you are actually unaware of your imperfections.

What your mind fails to comprehend...your emotions begin to rationalize through the feeling of loneliness.

That is why the next time you feel lonely...be happy, because you know it is time to begin your journey into what is not there...no matter how paradoxical it may mean, just hang on, and you'll soon get over it...until the next journey!

2007-07-17 01:18:13 · answer #3 · answered by golden_aries 1 · 0 0

....because it offers the best opportunity to be alone with your own thoughts. Some of the most profound introspection can be done during a period or periods of loneliness. Although, as one fellow mentioned above, being lonely sounds like something you can't choose, while being alone is something you can choose. That is, you can go out of your way to be alone, but being lonely can often mean being alone whether you want to be or not! Still, even in the most frailest moments of loneliness, it can be good because only then can you clearly discern the nature of your self.

Yours Truly,


2007-07-17 00:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by socratic_method 1 · 1 0

By observing people, I have concluded that:

Anyone of average or higher intelligence that goes through a lonely time when they feel that they have nobody to talk to will experience a heightening of their intelligence. Therefore, even if you're not born super smart, being 'lonely' can change that. But, if your intelligence is too low, being lonely will only cause grief.

This probably seems like a very radical claim, but, by examining my life and observing other people, I believe this to be true.

I was once, well, an idiot. Not really, really stupid, but not actually smart. But, after a pretty lonely time, when I felt like my friends weren't people I could talk to, my intelligence seems to have been heightened.

I think this is because, when alone, you think more, analyze more, and that may be how brain power is strengthened.

Believe or not...

2007-07-17 00:52:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, being alone can be good, but that is not the same as lonliness. When you enjoy your own company then being alone is a joy because you have the freedom to do and be as you please without any critics, negotiations, etc. You can be quiet, you can dance, you can be silly, you can listen to your mind beating against itself, etc.

2007-07-17 00:47:28 · answer #6 · answered by ontheroadagainwithoutyou 6 · 3 1

It turns one's attention inward, and that's where all the action happens. The lonely are the master's of their own soul, the maestro's of their own reflection, the matadors of their own boredom. The loneliness of the moth can spurn it to creative heights never dreamed of by the social butterfly.

Loneliness is the cake beneath the frosting, loneliness is the moment between chapters when you rest the book on your knee and look into the world of reality with eyes that see fiction. It is the coals beneath the flames, and we all know that's the best place to roast your mallows.

2007-07-17 00:50:36 · answer #7 · answered by Nunayer Beezwax 4 · 3 2

It is good but only upto a limit.... a limit after which loneliness may cause mental depression and the person might start feeling low ... loneliness is good only when a person wants to come to terms to his/her own self.... wants to know himself/herself more .... wants to realise his/her own potential and identify strengths n weaknesses...

2007-07-17 00:53:02 · answer #8 · answered by rhode_adonis 2 · 1 0

does it give something good to you????
of course, loneliness sometimes makes you realize that y our not alone, think about it in your misery you thought of the friends that come into your life, count them and you'll you've got friends that you never thought of caring but give their affection, friends that you can count on when you needed them most, its there in your LONELINESS the REALIZATION about whom you are and what are they for you! Oh come on give us your sweetest smile (maybe you don't realize that your making somebody happy just a mere glance of your smile)

2007-07-17 00:51:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a difference between loneliness and being alone. I love being alone and I am never lonely.

2007-07-17 01:09:30 · answer #10 · answered by LodiTX 6 · 0 0

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