In a perfect world the connection is whole.Yin -yang ,father son and spirit. Since we are forever trying to attain a soul peace,if you will, I would say the soul wisdom is most illusive.We speak of our soul as if we have touch with it but in our day to day reality ,is it really on the forefront? When we feel someone staring at us behind our back and we have that *sense* of something and we turn to see this person,is it soul,our natural instinct for survivial or something else? I have asked more than answered.If we attain soul wisdom I think we are set for the rest but sadly we do not live in a realm of soul consciousness ,These wisdoms are usually found in a state of higher consciousness,as achievied by deep meditation,when we seperate the mind from the spirit. thoughtful question..coming from a thougtful mind ,which can only be a good thing....PEACE
2007-07-18 14:22:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wisdom of the body? So elusive it doesn't exist.
Wisdom of the soul? When someone's able to reach some agreement among the wise concerning the existence of the soul, maybe the next question should be, Is it wise, the soul? And if the soul's wise, is that form of wisdom ilusive?
That only leaves wisdom of the mind as the easy touch. Which it ain't. Elusive enough to qualify as an endangered species.
2007-07-17 01:25:26
answer #2
answered by Jack P 7
I would say objectivity, which I suppose would fall under the heading of mind. Most people are far more attached and biased toward their personal beliefs than they care to admit, even to themselves. What is a belief, but a desire for the world to be some way? As such, a belief is actually an emotion. But we hold on to our beliefs so tightly, we mistake them for facts.
The most elusive form of wisdom, IMHO, involves seeing past one's own beliefs to see the big picture of reality. When we let our beliefs and other emotions cloud our outlook, we see only a filtered, unrepresentative part of the whole. True wisdom involves the ability to see the world around us as it truly is, not how we _think_ it is or wish it to be.
2007-07-17 00:18:01
answer #3
answered by R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution 7
Apart from the soul fantasy, they're connected, I think - but it's rare to find anyone wise in all ways because its acquisition is an endless task. Perhaps the most elusive wisdom is true humility - not the humble bumble of the sanctimonios.
2007-07-17 02:19:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The mind. I think the mind is capable of many things. Even going into areas where we simply do not understand. They say we only use a certain percentage, but what happens when it is expanded? We define things through the power of the mind. I.E. if something traumatic happens, or you happen to be witness, the scene seems to engrave into the brain. Contrary to that, if something priceless happens, that too is also engraved. In a way, it creates a pattern and we see the idea of good and bad, infusing us to two ways of life. What we see translates into how we live.
2007-07-17 00:52:47
answer #5
answered by Da Mick 5
Self awareness. As it contains elements of knowledge and wisdom which even we are not willing to accept. This is the hardest and most trying form of wisdom to attain.
2007-07-16 23:58:53
answer #6
answered by Davis Wylde 3
Knowledge is like a ghost.
Good luck!
2007-07-17 03:40:50
answer #7
answered by Alex 5
2007-07-17 10:15:22
answer #8
answered by Grateful Will 2