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do u really think muslims are terrorists?
if so why?
what do u think of arabs ,muslims or christians?
what do u think of their countries,culture
and what do u think of the war between america and the arabs?
is it a fair war?
just say ur opinion freelyi am a muslim and an arab and i would like 2 know what people really think of us?

2007-07-16 13:55:08 · 16 answers · asked by doly 3 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

We aren't at war with Arabs or even Muslims as a whole, we are at war with religious zealouts. I don't believe that anyone thinks all Muslims are terrorists, but most of the terrorist attacks we hear about were done by radical Muslims. America was called upon to help out in the middle east in the past, and the radical Islamists do not believe we should have interfered, and maybe they are right. Maybe it would be better for us to stay here and them there, however that isn't going to happen, because Arabs and Muslims have been immigrating to the US for decades. I am a Christian and I do not hate anyone for being Muslim, but I do believe in certain places I would easily get my head chopped off simply for being a Christian. I would never consider that another should die because their religion differed from mine.

2007-07-16 14:06:41 · answer #1 · answered by Rich people employ me 5 · 0 1

SIMPLE: One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.... during the american civil war against britain.... americans wre considered "terrorist" in one for or another by the british.

I can't stand terrorists... as they have tarnished islam by claiming they are muslim... in my opinion... they have renounced their faith the moment they had drawn up their plans for killing innocnets... and this counts for everyone.

I could write essays on the questions u posted here.... but ill keep it breif:

1 - no... terrorists can be of any race or culture... it is only in the light of recent events that we have come to believe that muslims are terrorists.

2 - Terrorism is NOT related to relgion... it is born from politics and the inability to act for improving uch politics.

3 - I, myself, am of mixed race.... im half European and half Arab...... and therefore i can say (without taking sides) that islam, christianity and judaism all believe in the same God.... and all recognise the same prophets. I feel comfortable going to church on sundays and the mosque on fridays.

4 - Even though ive lived in an arab country for 2 years... i have come to understand why there's a negative impression towards non-muslims.... which is becuase they don't respect the locals' religion and beliefs. But this happens everywhere anyway... so it nothing new. No one changes their customs for no one regardless of which country they're in. They best that can be done is gradually adapt.

5 - I think the ongoing war is an issue that has been left unresolved since the end of WWII... and is constantly being dealt with in small increments. I hope it will eventually be resolved in one way or another as long as cultures and religions remain unchanged.

6 - It is a fair war... but americans appear to have the upper hand because of the publicity created in their favour. For example the americans embarrassingly lost the war in vietnam... but for some reason people feel they won.... and that is becuase of all the publicity that has spoken in favour of america and its purpose for the war (think of all the movies madem portraying american soliders as heros and the vietcong as cruel and insignificant). well... the same thing is happening right now. No one sees the american losses... only numbers... but never an graphic representation. Thus giving the impression that americans are prevailing.

7 - I like and dislike arabs.... just like everybody else... its all up the individual in question. We must all each others trust and respect rather than expect it.

Anyway... i hope this answers ur question... and influences other to think for themselves and not let the papers or TV tell them what to think.

2007-07-20 12:44:33 · answer #2 · answered by Yousef AM 2 · 0 0

My impression of the muslims I know personally is almost entirely positive. That's based on a very small sample of well-educated, muslim-Americans, but, that's the sample I have to work with. If I were to judge all muslims by those few, I'd have to say that muslims are generally good, friendly, enthusiastic people.

All the muslims I've known personally, though, have been Persian or West Asian. I've hardly met any Arabs, and haven't gotten to know the few I have met well enough to form an opinion.

2007-07-16 14:14:41 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 1 0

Salaam aleikom,
You shouldn't really care about what people think of us. We have got Allah and we should please only Allah. I am a Muslim woman and my nationality comes second. I used to worry about what people used to think of us Muslims but as you grow older and learn more about Islam you get closer to Allah. Some people already see us as presumed terrorist because of what has been happening. Not all Arabs are Muslims as you must know. It is not a war between Arabs and Americans, it is a war against Muslims. It s all politics!!!

2007-07-20 11:02:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have no problem with anyone who follows organized religion... as long as they don't tell me, or anyone else to follow them. That goes for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Athiests, etc.

I find the practice of fully covering women, while allowing near freedom in clothing for men, to be... wrong. Not as strong as that word might suggest, but I can't think of a better, but less, synonym for wrong. In addition, the practice of the fundamentalists, not allowing women to go to school, and killing those that try to learn, is horrid.

America is not at war with Arabs in general (though sometimes it may seem so), only with the fundamentalist ones. The difficult thing about the war is that the fundamentalists rarely come out in the open, and instead hide among those we call our friends and choose some time to blow themselves up. It would be like, if everytime you met this one friend, you would be happy and jolly, then suddenly punch them hard in the face. Eventually, even if they really wanted to be your friend, it would be difficult for them to get over the fact that you've had happy expressions on while punching them in the face.
And as far as fair... it is not fair as far as the Americans are concerned. Whereas the American forces have to only defend themselves, avoid civilian casualties at all costs, and face the scrutinizing eyes of the media and the folks back home, the fundamentalists we are fighting are the exact opposite. They kill who they want, attack first, attack second, and never ask questions later, and the more people they kill, the more hate and anger and malice they create, the more their success is.

2007-07-16 14:09:40 · answer #5 · answered by K 5 · 1 1

Some muslims ARE terrorists. It's not a matter what I think.
Are all muslims terrorists? No, most of them are not. Are many muslims, in their hearts, sympathetic to the terrorists? Yes. The terrorists supposedly hijacked or distorted their beliefs and yet the condemnations are rare.

I believe that arab (and especially muslim) culture is repressive. "Civil rights" is mostly unheard of, I believe. Many of their civilizations have harsh laws.

However, I also believe that most muslims and arabs in the middle east are too busy trying to survive and make good lives for themselves and their families to think too much about blowing themselves up.

2007-07-16 14:09:15 · answer #6 · answered by Ron S 3 · 2 1

Anyone who hates an entire race or culture or nationality has no idea what they are against. There are bad people in every culture, every race, and every country or walk of life. The problem here is really that the media gives bad people attention so they can get good ratings. Certain people use that to their advantage. At this point it just so happens that some Muslims are using terror tactics and the media to become infamous.

I am not religious in the least, but I do not think down about those who are. I make a decent living, but I don't look down at those that can't.
The thing that I care about is that those people that are not like me do not try to force their opinions and their thoughts or way of life on me.

So in other words....Muslims are just people with different views on life than me...no better and no worse.

2007-07-16 14:06:54 · answer #7 · answered by Vindicaire 5 · 0 2

I haven't met all Muslims yet dear.

Anyways Muslims are terrorists and so are Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and Mormons.

Again, I havent met all Arabs but the ones I have met seem very nice and so do the muslims I have met.

Again, Muslims countries vary in diversity so it'd be prejudiced to judge them all.

America isn't at war with Arabs. Its at war with the Al Qaeda network and its cells.

Again, such a question is bound to create animosity towards your people the Arabs and other Muslim peoples

2007-07-16 14:08:54 · answer #8 · answered by Roderick F 6 · 1 3

If Western civilization doesn't get tough on "Islamism" and either send them home or worse, all of us will suffer the consequences of what can only be called a racial and religious war against us that will drag us into the darkest of ages, blacker than the robes that they swaddle their women in. I ,for one, would rather die than be converted by a sword at my neck to any belief system. I will fight, my family will fight--join us now--call for the return of Muslims to their own countries. Withdraw their citizenship and send them, as well as those who have converted to their murderous system, back to their own lands.

Here is what they believe:

Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism
by Amil Imani

14 Feb, 2007

Time and again we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. We are also informed that the terrorists, who happened to be Muslims, are the disaffected and the young. And not to worry, since as the fire of youth turns to ashes of old age the rebellious will mellow, as they always have.
With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can sleep soundly without the aid of sleeping pills. After all, people reason that these pundits are “experts” whose job is to know and tell it like it is. Those who voice contrary views must be a bunch of racist, alarmist hate mongers. Who is right?

Wouldn’t be more prudent to let the facts settle the matter, rather than blindly accepting either position? Of course it would, except for one huge problem. In the face of threats, people tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial and rationalization pills, in the same way that it is the aspirin bottle they turn to when a headache strikes. Why not? We are the Easy Species. We love effortless, quick and simple solutions. And that’s not invariably bad. It has given us all kinds of labor and time saving devices.

Yet, the Islam problem is very real and deadly. Neither the pronouncements of the experts, nor the tranquilizing pills of the mind can make it go away. It is here and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us.

Europe is already badly infected with Islamism. It is the coal-miners’ canary. It is telling us that the next stop is America. We must act and act now. We must not sacrifice our cherished way of life and the lives of our children at the altar of political correctness: the incubator of Islamofascism

2007-07-16 14:10:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I think muslins are more dedicated to their religion then christians,muslins are constandly in prayer,first thing in the morning and they don't let up.how would we feel if china in- vaded our country to make us better workers,support their homeland with our labor,the reason is of no inportance,the chinese and any body else who help would be our enemies,the contributions the arabs have made are countless.Most of the fruit we eat originated in th arab countries,converting sand to glass our numbers.When christinity would not it's subjects read or expand their knowledge,the arabs were the trailblazers.

2007-07-16 14:17:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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