There are no signs that a person is a witch. Becoming a witch is a choice not a birthright. Of course witches exist, whether or not people out there want to admit to it or not. I believe in witches because I am one. I find it very facinating and I feel it is the right path for me. Do some research on it, if you are interested. One is not born a witch. A witch is made.
2007-07-16 17:12:56
answer #1
answered by Ma'iingan 7
Of course there are witches, but it's not like we all have green skin or something. Witches are individuals, just like Christians, Republicans, or lesbians, and there's just no way to tell by looking.
Signs that someone MIGHT be a witch is pentagram jewelery, a respect for the environment, and the use of the phrase "blessed be." But of course, none of these are exclusive to witches, and some witches display none of these.
The best way to be sure is just to ASK.
2007-07-16 10:57:15
answer #2
answered by Jewel 7
As a Wiccan witch myself, I just have to reply to love_ya_lotz's statement that hating Christians is a sign of being a witch.
Most witches I know don't care two tosses what anyone else's religion is -- including Christianity -- as long as the Christians are civil to them and leave them to practice their faith in peace. Hatred of Christianity is, to me, usually a sign of immaturity and also an indicator that the person might be pursuing witchcraft for the wrong reasons. At least as I was taught, witchcraft is about balance, and hatred of anything is not conducive to that.
Just my $0.02 worth.
2007-07-16 14:51:03
answer #3
answered by prairiecrow 7
Do I believe in Witches...
Yes, I AM one.
I consider to be an Eclectic Witch.
We believe we are born witch. Just some of us don't know it.
As for signs to look for; look for psychic abilities.
paganism, you can start there.
And there are Witch yahoo groups; where you can meet others like me. And trust me there are many. But because this path is rejected or/and misunderstood by society; some are still in the closet about their paths.
My suggestion is be open minded if you want to learn about paganism and witches. And don't be dogged by closed minded ignorate people.
Blessings to you and yours.
(craft name)
yahoo 360;_ylt=ApMJK0mnoCk79T56DmYt5jS0AOJ3?cq=1
2007-07-16 12:16:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Not all witches are Wiccan, but a good many Wiccans are witches.
Basically they're folks who work with natural magic, and they're really no different from anyone else, except in their way of looking at the world.
2007-07-16 10:39:46
answer #5
answered by Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess) 7
Technically speaking anyone of my religion is referred to as a witch so yes, yes I do believe in witches seeing as I am one.
2007-07-16 11:42:29
answer #6
answered by xx. 6
Signs of them like how you're going to pick them out of a crowd of people?
Good luck with that; even if you knew the "signs" you still have to worry about posers who try to *look* Witch or Wiccan.
2007-07-16 11:35:32
answer #7
answered by Malachi 4
Yes. I am a witch, you could say. I'm wiccan. I consider myself Wiccan/Pagan/witch.
I don't know if there are any signs of spotting one of us. lol. Let me look...
Signs Of Witchcraft
Do you know how to tell if your friends or relatives are into witchcraft? Short of asking them directly there are a few things you can look for to help you decide. Please be advised these things are only indicators and not positive proof this person is a witch.
Items to look for are...
* Candles - I'm not saying anyone with candles in the home is a witch. Candles have other innocent uses, but witches do often use candles in their rituals. If you see the candles on something that looks like an altar then look carefully to see if that is a Christian altar. If it does not look like a Christian altar then it is possibly a magickal altar. At that point you might want to see if other indicators are also present.
* Incense - Incense is used by those who are not into witchcraft. Some people just like the smell, but as with the candles it is also used in rituals of witches. Look for other indicators.
* New age or occult books - Sure someone could read these books out of curiosity, but if there is an abundance of them it would tend to indicate a real involvement in witchcraft. Look for other indicators.
* Pentagram - the five pointed star. If a person wears a pentagram they most likely are into witchcraft. Other indicators would pretty much guarantee it.
* Hatred of Christianity - Generally speaking witches hate Christianity. If your friend or relative absolutely hates Christians or anything related to Christianity that is a strong indicator. Again, look for other indicators.
* Nature lover to the point of worshipping nature - It is good to love and respect nature, but some people take it to the extreme of actually worshipping nature. If you know someone who does this they just might be a witch. Look for other indicators.
* Believes in a God and Goddess or just Goddess - Witches sometimes worship a male and female divinity, calling them God and Goddess or Lord and Lady. These gods and goddesses may also have different names. There are feminist witches who only worship Goddess. Look for more indicators.
* Believes in many gods and/or goddesses - Some people believe in many gods and goddesses. Many of these people are witches. Look for more indicators.
* Talks about spells and/or magick - Those who talk a lot about doing magick most likely participate in this activity. It is wise, however, to look for more indicators.
* Owns tarot cards - Owning tarot cards does not make one a witch, but it is an indicator. As always, look for more indicators.
* Uses psychics - Many witches look to psychics for help and guidance. Often these psychics are into witchcraft themselves. There are misguided people who use psychics who are not witches, also. Look for more indicators.
* Into astrology - Definitely look for more indicators because many people trust their horoscope, but many witches are absolutely fascinated by astrology.
None of the above things alone confirm that a person is a witch, but if you see several indicators then you can pretty much count on it. Most of us have heard the old expression, "If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, and it goes 'quack quack' it is a duck".
2007-07-16 12:15:59
answer #8
answered by CBlackfire 5
Erm. I don't know what you think witches are but they definitley exist, in fact I get pretty annoyed when people tell me i don't exist. they are regular people who follow a pagan lifestyle and know that most of the time you dont need any stupid magic to solve your problems, just a good brain. They are not supernatural beings. Please do yourself a favour and stop watching Charmed.
2007-07-16 10:25:50
answer #9
answered by isildurs_babe 4
Do you understand the mysteries?
Do you understand the elements?
Do you understand the deities?
Do you understand how Magick works?
Then your not a witch and i dare say you havent got a third nipple either!
2007-07-16 19:20:57
answer #10
answered by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6