Put an ad in the newspaper for the valuable stuff. Give away any of the cheaper stuff, if not to goodwill-I'm sure family and friends will take them. Baby clothes and toys will be surprisingly easy to get rid of (surely someone you know however vaguely is pregnant).
Good Luck!
2007-07-16 09:43:18
answer #1
answered by Aileen D 2
Well honey if you don't want to sell it... and you don't want to give it away...umm. If you give it to a Charity- like the baby stuff- to a home for unwed mothers... you deduct it off your taxes IF you get a receipt of the value. You can also host a TRADING Party- everyone brings stuff that they no longer need and maybe they need something of yours!It can even be made into a 'themed' party- like a sleep-over, etc... sometimes the big girls need a break too! The books you can donate to a library- same thing- get a receipt to deduct from your taxes. If the clothes are barely worn you can take them to a consignment shop and they sell them for you and keep a % for doing so. Or put an ad in the paper to trade baby clothes(infant) for baby clothes (toddler)... Just a few ideas! Wish you well!
2007-07-16 16:49:18
answer #2
answered by pandy37050 4
First of all, don't think of it as "too valuable": to give to a thrift store. It's a donation and someone else would love to have some of your stuff. Also, if it is cluttering your life you need to get rid of it and that is the easiest way. Just start pitching things into bags, put the bags in the trunk of your car and when it's full, go to your nearest thrift shop and get a tax receipt. You will feel wonderful with less stuff, believe me. I have a bag in my garage that I fill about every 2 weeks. I never miss what I put in there and my life is so much simpler with less!
2007-07-16 18:47:54
answer #3
answered by mab5096 7
Donate it to
A Home for abused women with children
An Orphanage
Or your local Foster care program
Get a receipt and take the value off of your taxes at the end of the year.
2007-07-16 16:44:55
answer #4
answered by Iknowalittle 6
there is a yahoo group called freecycle you join the one in your local area and put all the stuff up to give away and people will come around and collect what they want then you could take a look to see if there is any thing you need from there i have seen sunbeds cars caravans go on there that were all too good to give away free will its amazing what satisfaction you can get from being generous in return you shall have good karma. try it !
2007-07-16 17:40:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well, there aren't alot of choices left, how about selling it to one of those resale or consignment shops that have used stuff. Or run an ad in your local newspaper in the classifieds.
2007-07-16 16:43:47
answer #6
answered by REALISTIC 3
If a garage sale is out put it in the local news paper
2007-07-16 16:41:38
answer #7
answered by monise62@yahoo.com 2
If you haven't used it in several months you don't need it. Put ad in newspaper or donate it to goodwill and get a tax writeoff?
2007-07-16 19:44:01
answer #8
answered by Ace 2
Sell them on craigslist or amazon. (both i think are easier than ebay) or take your books to student book store and try to sell them back.
2007-07-16 16:46:41
answer #9
answered by dudeinnorcal 3
when you have blew up the balloons with all the shite that comes out of your mouth there maybe room to shove the unwnted stuff up your jacksie
2007-07-16 17:33:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous