Yes within itself
Invisible to others but known only to you
An imagination?
Or a dream?
The mind exists as much as every theory ever made
because it is a place with no boundaries but your own
If true The mind is a powerful thing as it can make itself exist
2007-07-16 07:03:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
We do not know that we have minds, and from what we DO know about the science of brain and is more likely that we do not have minds. Dualism is a non-nonsensical proposition that has absolutely no scientific basis. It is a complete anachronism that is not taken seriously by most reasonable people. Based on the best current available evidence: the "mind" is just, as you say, another physical process in the brain, but a very cool one!
Thoughts are internally perceived electrochemical processes that our "mind" or consciousness' proprioceptive faculty feeds back into the system. Beliefs and desires are a little different, as they are attitudes which are most likely instantiated by patters of cortical wiring. Neurons which "fire together, wire together", and the electricity of mind flows throughout these networks. A belief is a physically wired (but alterable) pattern of neuronal connections.
Mind is an illusion created by this immensely complex recursive feedback loop of neuronal connections in the physical brain. The appearance of mind is generated by electro-chemical charges in the brain interacting at relatively high speeds. Necessary components include sensory input, real-time memory allotment, and perhaps most importantly of all: complex pattern!
Mind (and consciousness) IS pattern. It is the ability of matter to self-organize in efficiency-increasing information processing. Mind is no single physical thing, but rather the action of an ever-shifting pattern, hence mind can only be said to exist through time.
Mind is made up of nothing more than physical cells in the brain, and the energy that lights them up. Intellect, imagination, dreams, art, emotion, love, anything you can think of (pun intended) is one or another pattern of matter and energy popping off inside that bone-encased squishy melon you've got up there. Everything is physical.
If you are interested in reading more on mind and consciousness check out "I Am a Strange Loop" by Douglas Hofstadter, "Consciousness Explained" by Daniel Dennett, or "How the Mind Works" by Steven Pinker
2007-07-16 21:07:57
answer #2
answered by Nunayer Beezwax 4
Your brain does something. Not only does it control the actions of the body, but it engages in patterns of activity wholly within itself.
What do you call these patterns and this activity, and how do you distinguish a well-functioning brain from a damaged one?
It seems to me that the best name for these things is 'a mind'.
The mind is (at least) a system generated by a brain. It is an emergent property difficult to explain in terms of neurons alone, and so it more than justified in having its own noun to describe it.
2007-07-16 15:06:01
answer #3
answered by Doctor Why 7
YES it exists in a physical manifestation between the left armpit and left elbow running along the bicep muscle. Jesus comes down from Heaven every 5ifth leap year and strengthens the mind should one make the proper sacrifice to Sauron.
2007-07-16 13:15:07
answer #4
answered by davidhasselh0ff 2
When the God created the mind, he told it: "You are the best thing I did creat, so I will put you in the creature that I love"
That is why we have minds in our heads. But the problem is that some of us don't use it.
2007-07-16 14:36:21
answer #5
answered by Zejmi 2
Yes. It's intangible, but if you didn't have a mind you wouldn't wonder if it existed.
2007-07-16 14:23:46
answer #6
answered by csbp029 4
Mind, ego, and thoughts are one.
2007-07-16 22:33:02
answer #7
answered by A.V.R. 7