Get a humane trap from Lowes or Home Depot, it will run you about 40 bucks and you'll have it to trap further nuisances. I just used one to trap a couple raccoons that visited my landscaping every night. They work great. Havahart is the brand name of them. Good luck.
2007-07-16 06:18:41
answer #1
answered by dcc045 5
Gophers can & do repair danmage done to their tunnels. They also return, once the flood has abated, which has also made the holes larger, & unearthed more roots. We tried frequencies on rodents, & were very disappointed. I noticed, however, that plants with narcissus planted nearby were left alone by them, while other plants grown from the same cutting stock were hollowed out, 18" up into their stems! Soi now I recommend planting narcissus --the oldest, least sweet-smelling variety-- near desireable plants. Garlic seems to work, also, but I'm not sure how many seasons they can be counted on to last. The narcissus keep going strong for years. Another thing I use --when it is available-- is finely chopped human hair... Along with that, I slice up some garlic, & toss both the hair & slices of garlic into both ends of the run. I open up their tunnel, & put some inside, then close it back up, planting at least one good sized bulb of narcissus or garlic as I do. *> If you want to try this, be sure NOT to slice & toss in ANY narcissus bulbs! Narcissus pieces themselves will not only rot, but cause all other narcissus/daffodils planted in that soil in the future to rot as well! I don't know that such tactics work 100% of the time, but they seem to have worked a very large percentage of the time, in my experience. I have large dogs that kill snakes, so I can't count on --or concienciously release-- gopher or king snakes. But, we have them, & enjoy having them around, & hope they are all effectively avoiding the dogs! For someone who has no dogs, I'd recommend King snakes, as these will not only eat rodents, but also rattlesnakes!
2016-05-19 02:18:24
answer #2
answered by christa 3
I don't know about a homemade trap but the ones Victor makes (at most hardware stores) work just fine. You can also throw a garden hose in the hole and drown them out and then beat them with bats as they came up for air. It sounds a little rough but it was effective. An air rifle would do the trick as well.
2007-07-16 06:14:24
answer #3
answered by Tregosteevo 7
go to the hardware store and buy a product called "gopher bombs". No, they don't explode. Follow the directions on the box, but basically, you open up one of the recent holes, place the "gopher bomb" in the hole, light the fuse and immediatley place a square of heavy paper or cardboard over the hole and cover it with dirt to make an air tight seal. It burns in the hole producing a poisonus gas that permeates the underground burrow, killing the gophers. it's quick, easy and no mess, And, it works, I've used them many times over the years.
2007-07-16 06:15:12
answer #4
answered by randy 7
find one of the hole and stick a hose down in it and turn the hose on.
2007-07-16 06:12:42
answer #5
answered by Justice 2
guns, milk jugs, fire crackers are just a few thing you can use!
2007-07-17 06:02:24
answer #6
answered by jonah M 2