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Do I need to keep an active phoneline, like an unlimited local calling plan, in order to have DSL?

2007-07-15 05:06:51 · 4 answers · asked by sye 1 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

4 answers

In most places these days you can indeed get DSL with out a phone service. These are called Naked DSL lines.. I have one from AT&T (seems they lost a suite in Fl. over not offering it!) They are also available from other suppliers.
like speakeasy Qwest etc.

Now if you are not in the US or you are in an area not covered by one of these carriers.. you may be required to have a phone line.. BUT ASK in most cases carriers are realizing the benefit of offering dsl without phone.

It used to be required but things have changed!
The price is higher but not as much higher as required phone line would be.

Hope that helps
Just do a google search like listed below

2007-07-15 05:32:52 · answer #1 · answered by Tracy L 7 · 0 0

It depends on your telco. Some telcos\ISPs offer dry dsl or dsl without an active phone line. The ISP usually charges extra for dry dsl but you don't have to pay a telco for an active line. If you can get a good cell phone plan dry dsl may be cheaper.

2007-07-15 12:12:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: Technically, the signal for running DSL is separate from the signal for running phone service, and in fact, they use a splitter because the wire uses certain frequencies for DSL and others for phone service, and this keeps both separated.

Now, there is no real reason that they can't supply DSL by itself without phone service (what is called "naked DSL") but no telephone company wants to sell you cheap unmetered flat-rateDSL when they can sell you more expensive metered phone service, or sell you a somewhat more expensive unmetered phone service, or, as it more likely, they want to sell you both phone service and DSL which is why they won't sell DSL by itself.

2007-07-15 12:17:51 · answer #3 · answered by Paul R 7 · 0 1

yes that right but go for comcast $33 per month

2007-07-15 12:09:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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