It was great. Growing up as a child playing with transformers, and now watching this movie relived my childhood. The preview for that Cloverfield movie was pretty awesome too!
2007-07-13 18:12:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Very good movie, though I really hated how they treated poor Jazz (Prime, Ironhide, and Rachet died in the original twenty-one years ago August 8th, but even if one of them were to die in this one I wouldn't have cared for them being ripped apart like that). But throwing "best movie ever" around for it just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, that's basically saying they'll never make another movie that could be better. And it's said about way too many movies.
Might say something like "one of the best movies ever" or "one of the greatest movies of all time." That says that it's right up there with a lot of other movies and there's room for others to join it.
2007-07-14 03:02:32
answer #2
answered by knight1192a 7
Yes it was the best movie ever, but I don't know about the sequel, because it can't be as good as this one so it will end up ruining it.
2007-07-14 12:54:19
answer #3
answered by Gustav 5
They are all ready filming the sequel. Nobody knows anything about the script, characters, plot, etc. though
2007-07-14 01:33:09
answer #4
answered by darthfuknvader 2
If you like to watch Power Rangers in great CG then yeah it's great! That's essentially what it was to me at least.
2007-07-14 00:58:51
answer #5
answered by luke d 3
yes, i loved it too! and i think the ending left it open for a sequel, so i hope so!
2007-07-14 00:51:34
answer #6
answered by heatherr 3
I do not think it was that great a movie.
2007-07-14 00:47:34
answer #7
answered by 1 2
YES!!! it was amazingness itself. I loved it.
2007-07-14 00:46:50
answer #8
answered by Ally 4