when you have all that crap that the democrates do like the public service ****. So when you have all that crap you have to have higher taxes and then who has to pay for those services. THE DAMN PEOPLE!
2007-07-13 15:41:34
answer #1
answered by theprophet121211991 2
Less taxes yes. A strong military some cases it's not larger than the past. Welfare should never be free. I am not sure if the stats support your discussion about being poor voting Republican but if it's true then we are winning. You see..liberals just give you enough to survive on, under their welfare program they will not allow you to save, invest, own property, or have a husband or wife. So they force you to live with just enough, they make you dependent on them.
A true Conservative and they could very well be Democrat and use to be. They believe in less government, you can go as far as you can if you apply yourself, education, hard work.
Conservatives want school vouchers a tax check so that you can send your child to a private school, but liberals are against it, wonder why...since they run the school system.
The plain truth is poor people do not pay income taxes.
The reality is people are poor for several reasons.
1. They do not know how to manage their finances.
2. They are not motivated.
3. They do not get an education beyond 8 or 9th grade.
4. If they are female they get pregnant and turn to welfare which is a trap.
5. A single male or female can join the Armed forces, use those 3 or 4 years save their money, go to school have 90pct paid it might be 100pct now while on active duty, then get out, and finish your schooling with a Bachelors or Masters.
How are you helped by having a welfare organization that gives you a certain amount of dollars a month(designed to keep you poor). living in a project.
The American dream is regardless of what school you go to...its free up until the 12th grade. If your not in a great school, well guess what..there is the public library, their is your local church, with all the people who donate time and money, you cannot tell me someone would not help you learn
a specific topic.
Turn off the Rap music and open a book. Reading is the most important. If you can read, you can read to learn. IF you cannot read, how can you learn. If you cannot read get help ask. Someone will help you. Stop looking for the government to give you something. Do you think Hillary or Edwards any politician has anything in common with the average person.
Do some research, check out the Presidents, and wealth, you will be shocked to find out, that the richest Presidents were democrats not republicans.
The American dream is applying yourself, educating yourself, and getting that opportunity to excel. It takes hard honest work. Nothing is free and most do not make it to a wealthy status by not working for it. But should someone who worked their *** off all their lives, perhaps 80 -100 hours a week trying to run their small business, putting what money they have mortgaging their house, risking it all, when they start making some money should they be taxed to death.
Small businesses employ I think 80pct of all people.
2007-07-13 16:10:42
answer #2
answered by Rick D 3
Exactly the opposite of your statement. Republicans take the poorest off the tax rolls completely and fight for things like child tax credits and such. Tax cuts increase revenue to the federal government- take an economics course you will learn a lot. Public schools often stink and it isnt a matter of funding- many of the best funded deliver the poorest results. Many poor people support the republican ideal of allowing parents to CHOOSE the school their children go to and to have the money follow the student. Welfare worked to keep a lot of people down, they lost the incentive and desire to be productive. When welfare reform became a reality, many rose up and became productive and raised their lot- fact.
You need to go look at the stats on the tax cuts- those of us at the bottom pay nothing while the top 5% pay the majority. The notion of tax cuts for the rich is BS and being among the lower incomes I appreciate being dropped from the rolls as well as my earned income and child tax credits. If we could get rid of some more lib politicians that support enlarging government andineffective/inefficient programs, we would all be better off. I'd rather give the money to private charities and companies that will utilize it wisely and actually achieve results.
2007-07-13 15:42:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Lets start this at the taxes and social programs as well as pork
Tax cuts; If you cut taxes, the people have more of their money left in their pockets to spend, now since the Government has less money to spend to increase the military, you need to cut spending on non-essential social programs and you need to cut pork spending, of course you also need to cut back on foreign aide as well.
You have lumped in public service and public education into federal expenses, the truth is that these services are paid by
property taxes, imposed by the state, they are not federally funded, though there is some federal grants to help the states
such as the No Child Left Behind program, though Bush takes
the hit for its failure it is the fault of Congress, they are the ones that are supposed to fund projects, all the President can
do is to sign off.
Sorry got a bit off topic, tax cuts for the rich actually have benefits to those at the bottom of the pile. A poor person
does not have any money to invest, nor do they have the
money to buy big ticket items. Investments and purchases of
big ticket items create more income for businesses, as their
business increases they need more workers to meet supply and demand so new employees are hired. These new hires
now have a job that allows them to purchase more..
No we take the opposite approach, new taxes or tax increases takes money out of the pockets of the citizens,
they have less so the buy less. The rich have less and
invest less and may even start to liquidate assets in fear
of a depression, this lack of investment and lack of purchase
of big ticket items, then causes a business slow down which
in turn causes layoffs or loss of jobs. The loss of jobs results
in more people turning to unemployment and welfare, increasing welfare leads to the state and government to
spend more which then requires them to increase taxes once
Ask yourself, how do I manage to buy a house given the amount of money that I make. If you want the house but
you can barely afford the payment, what can you do except
to cut back on some of the non-essential social programs
maybe by only going to the movies once a month instead
of 3 or 4 times, only go out for dinner on special occasions
cut back on spending for birthdays and Christmas.
Your only other option is to increase your income meaning
that you ask your boss for a fat raise or you get a second
job to pay for social programs.
I'm not sure that you will get the point but hope it does help
you to understand a bit.
2007-07-13 16:02:59
answer #4
answered by justgetitright 7
What defines Dem's and Rep's are becoming more blurred every election. The last two Republican presidents(Papa Bush and Baby Bush) where anything but fiscally responsible. Bill Clinton( Hillary is not Bill) actually grew the economy and had a surplus for the first time in years as a Democrat. Dont get pulled to either side. Answers are usually in the middle. As much as both parties want us rallying around them most people are actually moderates in philosophy. What happened to the American Dream and people climbing the social ladder you ask? Other countries have it. Look around. We are nation building and creating domocracies around the globe and we are turning more socialistic. Go Ron Paul
2007-07-13 16:36:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Personally I'm so disgusted with both parties I'm thinking of not even bothering to vote. It makes no difference with the election process anyway. Their all crooks, lie their way into office, giving promises they never intend on keeping to the American public, they lie, cheat, steal, embezzle public funds, have secret riders in almost every bill they introduce for their "Pork" , it's absolutely disgusting ! There is no decent candidate running in either party running what a freaking joke!
Then you have old, drunks trying to force their wills down our throats, while they're living high on the hog in their estates not giving a crap for us poor people that will have to pay for their social programs.
I say we all move to Mexico ! we're supporting that country and their illegals anyway, we might as well slip a "Corona" at a beach and get drunk.
2007-07-13 16:21:05
answer #6
answered by bigdog773 2
Well, I'll have to chime in from the Ron Paul chorus.
1. Not all Republicans are for more military. Ron Paul (the Republican Congressman from TX who is running for President: http://www.ronpaul2008.com) wants to reduce the size and scope of our military commitments (and save lots of money).
2. Ron Paul wants to reduce the size and scope of the federal of government; something that neither the current crop of Democrats or Republicans, or the current President seem to be too interested in doing.
3. Your other points about economics and the effects of taxes and government intervention require long answers. You're going to have to think for yourself, and think about how the current regime wants you to think.
A long time ago, I was educated in the public school system... Paul Simon wrote a song called 'Kodachrome' where one of the lyrics goes like this:
"When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school,
It's a wonder I can think at all."
Asking questions is a good start. Question authority; especially what the government tells you, and especially what politicians want you to believe.
2007-07-13 16:02:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Less taxes does not mean less money for public programs.
Let me explain something to you.
The higher your taxes are, the less money you see in your paycheck from week-to-week, which reduces your spending power in our society and encourages a person to hold on to their money.
The lower taxes are, the more spending power people possess and thus the more likely they are to spend money and hold on to less money.
With a lower Federal income tax rate and higher selected taxes (nicotine tax, alcohol tax, etc., etc.) - the Federal government actually brings in more money from the private sector. This has been proven many times over, but the Democrats refuse to accept it as truth.
The less they tax the people, the more money they make. While it doesn't make sense on paper, it makes sense in practice.
And in regards to the OP's comment about Republicans only giving tax cuts to the rich...that's complete BS. When Republicans give tax cuts, they give tax cuts across the board - from the poor to the rich and everyone in between. So while yes, the rich also get a tax cut...so do the poor and middle-class.
I am a Conservative Republican. And I make less than $21,000 a year. I'm certainly not a rich oil tycoon...and I support every tax cut the Republicans propose because each and every one puts more money in my wallet. When Clinton was in office (the first President I worked under), I saw less money in my paycheck every time he raised taxes for some program or another. And he was a Democrat. Under Bush Jr, I finally saw more money coming in every paycheck from lower taxes.
Care to guess under which President I spent more money from week to week?
People complain about tax cuts for the rich...just remember who gives you your paycheck every week or every other week.
I guarantee it's not a poor person paying you for your work.
2007-07-13 15:43:20
answer #8
answered by theREALtruth.com 6
Johnnie boy, you have so much to learn! Bill and Hillary insisted that a poor working man, trying to start his own business (American Dream), must pay Social Security taxes and Workers Compensation Insurance, even on part time help. Hillary was asked if She was placing a heavy burden on a new business that is trying to get started. Her response? It is not my fault they are under capitalized!
Oh, and guess who all of us poor ignorant, uneducated poor people work for? Yep! The rich guys! So tax them to death and kill us.
2007-07-13 15:40:41
answer #9
answered by T C 6
You assume that things are just black and white, but they aren't.
Here in Illinois, we should have PLENTY of money for all our services, but because of corrupt politicians (both parties), we have been robbed continually.
So, even though we have a booming lottery and a decent taxation system, we still have no money. Was it the system? No.
Also, the reason that republicans don't believe in "welfare," is because we don't believe in handouts. It's plain and simple. YOU get money, YOU work for it.
And also, I agree with the person that talked about republicans knowing that values are more than just money. Democrats would be fine with just wiping out all religion. After all, they pretty much believe in a relativist type of moral system where everyone is right even if their views oppose other views. (except Christians. We are considered always wrong by them)
2007-07-13 15:37:16
answer #10
answered by jonthecomposer 4
Your basic difficulty understanding this is in your assumption that "less taxes means....worse public education".
If you think what determines quality of education is money, you're a democrat for life.
btw, it simply isn't true, and statistics prove it for those who haven't the common sense to know it anyway.
But to move on... the American Dream of someone from the bottom rising to the top... how does paying people to stay poor help them realize that dream?
2007-07-13 15:35:00
answer #11
answered by open4one 7