hey! i am glad you asked this question! I am 12 too, adn I got my first period when i was 11!! so we can relate! yay! lol. Now to the serious stuff.
A week before I got my period I was
1. having cramps 2. i had a lot of vaginal discharge 3. I had cravings for salty and sweet foods/candy 4. i was really emotional. i would snap at my friends for no reason ((although is shouldnt have)).
**my breasts had also been growing for about a year and a half**
I got my period at a camp. yea great place to get it huh. a four day overnight camp with guys and girls. I had just got out of the swimming pool, and when i went to the bathroom, i saw a bit of blood in my bathing suit!! how embarrassing!!! and i did not bring pads or tampons because I did not expect to get it. man was i wrong.
now. you should tell your mom that you think you might get your period in a couple of days. This way you can both go to the store and buy some panti liners for you to wear right now so your underwear doesnt get stained when you DO get your period. And buy pads so when it does come you will be prepared.
Also, I cried when I got my period, idk why though, lol, so if you do, it is normal.
I wish you the best of luck, getting your period is a sign you are growing into a woman! omg!!! haha. i am so glad a 12 year old asked this question because i can really relate because i am 12 too!!!!! yay!!! haha good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a good site for information on your period is http://beinggirl.com/en_US/pages/home.jsp
and a good site for information on using pads ((it even has a pad selector so you can find out which type is best for you!) is http://www.always.com/index.jsp
and then a good site for tampon advice is http://www.tampax.com/home.php
and by the way, it is really frustrating when you use tampons. I would suggest using pads for the first 2 or 3 periods. But after that you can try tampons, they are good for me because i swim, play basketball, and play soccer. I use playtex sport. but before i could actually get the tampons in, it took me over 3 periods to figure it out! so good luck and dont get frustrated.
man that was a lot to write but i want t give you the best info i kno!!! good luck!!! <33
2007-07-13 13:24:30
answer #1
answered by Jessica 2
Its hard to say. The symptoms are different for each woman. Sometimes the symptoms come and go several days before the period. Sometimes they hit the day before and sometimes they last a solid week before the actual bleeding starts. You are already going through the worst part, next comes the bleeding. I suggest wearing a thin maxi pad or a panty liner when you start feeling the cramps, that way you can learn the pattern of your body with a little protection and maybe save yourself from an embarrassing bloody accident. As far as the first time, it took me by surprise! Ask your mother about her cycle and you should get a pretty good idea of what yours will be like, also ask your friends, as females that spend a lot of time together can run in the same cycle- and even change as you get new friends!
2007-07-13 20:20:00
answer #2
answered by wherewasgodforthelost 3
Most of the time, it just a normal period. You may be surprised by the pain, bloating, or fatigue. Just know that it's normal for it to be really light, and also normal for it to seem too heavy. Some girls may have it for 3 days, some may have it for 7. But pay attention to when it starts, when it stops, and the pain and flow you have. This will be good info. for next month. Keep a written account of all this so that you can be sure your period is normal and know for sure if you miss one. Trust me, it's very easy to get confused about it, since it's only once a month.
Also, drink plenty of water, start now. Make sure that you get as much iron as you need too, whether you do it from food, or take a vitamin. A daily multivitamin should do it though. Actually, that the best thing, cause your body will lose other nutrients too.
2007-07-13 20:18:15
answer #3
answered by garciajennifer@att.net 5
I was 12 when I started mine. I think I was cramping too. I also had a lot of discharge and the night before I had a migraine/head ache. I had one that morning too. I think periods really suck. Anyways, I would keep a pad on hand. If you don't have one then you should get one from a parent or friend. I was lucky enough to have a friend give me one. If you need anything else just email me! Take care Girly!
2007-07-13 20:53:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i'm 14 and just got my period recently. i had no signs of it except that I got sick two days before, and then right before it I had an awful back cramp. then i went to the bathroom, and there it was.
if you feel this way, just but some pads and keep them on hand. also, store an extra pair of undies in your purse and a few pads (don't try tampons right away) in case you get ti well your out. you might be getting your period, you might not by. also, is some white/clear sticky stuff on your underwear/ if so, then you may also be getting your period. I hope allworks out. best of luck.
2007-07-13 20:31:41
answer #5
answered by broadwayboundsinga 3
You could just be having cramps, but you may want to put a pad in you panties just in case. When it actually happens, there will be quite a lot of blood, but it's totally natural. It sucks, but it only lasts about a week and then you're good until the next month. Definitely talk to an older woman (i.e. your mother or aunt) but you'll be fine.
2007-07-13 20:16:03
answer #6
answered by Firefly 2
Well i'm 13 and my first period was when I was 11 and a half. I didn't know I had started until my mom told me. When you first have your period, or you think you have started, go to your mom or the school office to call your mom. It's best to go home the very first day of your period. Drink tea, that's what my mom told me waht to do. (Hot Tea) The one you don't want to happen, is that your mom tells eveyone. (My mom did that.) See Ya. Hope the advice works.
2007-07-13 20:33:49
answer #7
answered by Kat 2
Well,before i got mine i had cramps,too.
Go to www.beinggirl.com and look around
there i alot of information about your period andother things.
The UK site has more information,so go to google and push in beinggirl with out the .com. Then a list of sites will come up.
Just push on the first or 2nd one and it will ask you what country and then push UK. Its all in english. There will be some differnences in some spellings. EX.Program will be spelled Programme.
2007-07-13 20:19:10
answer #8
answered by Heather[♥] 3
I'd wear a pad now just in case it starts. Since you have a feeling its coming, you dont need to be caught by surprise! The night before mine, I had really bad stomach pains and back pain and didnt know what was wrong. It's never felt that way since, but that's what happened with me! Take a tylenol and prepare yourself with pads/tampons, in your purse.
2007-07-13 20:37:27
answer #9
answered by panieagle 2
You usually experience cramping a couple days before you get it.
2007-07-13 20:14:22
answer #10
answered by Jax 2