so im 16 and im not sure if im gay or not. i think the being gay is wrong, since it says that it is in the bible (1 Corinthians 6:9) and im repulsed by gay acts (such as kissing XP! ). But the reason why i ask is i notice certain traits of other guys and think "i wish i looked like that" or "he's not bad looking", and i've never actually been atracted to either "side". but a lot of people think that i am gay, and i've began to talk in the way that is seems feminine, for example i say "like" a lot, etc. I really, (and i mean really) don't want to be gay.
although i'm not extremly religious i have done my biblical research. What i came up was: Everything is possible for God (Jeremiah 32:17), and everything is possible through God (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27). so it IS possible...
so my question is if i am gay, how can i become straight, and if im asexual (meaning "not being attracted to either gender", not "reproducing by oneself" for all you biology students) how can i become straight
22 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Just be yourself.
2007-07-13 12:18:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's hard to believe a 16-year-old would ask this question using the words you use.
If you are gay, you cannot "become straight" despite all your research. There are no statistics or long-term studies to back up the claims of the "ex-gay" groups. All you have are people telling you that they changed. Where are these same people 5 years down the road? According to thousands of ex-ex-gays, the "change" did not last.
Honestly, if you are really 16, and you are wrestling with this in the way you are, it's hard to say what your sexual orientation is. At 16, I did not think kissing a guy was repulsive. From what you write, I don't necessarily think you're gay. Whether you're straight, bi, gay or transgendered, only you can determine that. I would pray to God and ask Him to give you wisdom on this issue and guide you. As a gay Christian, I can tell you that it is possible to be gay and Christian and God will guide you to an understanding of what you really are. Give it time and pray and see what happens. You don't need to decide this second and you don't need to worry about what others say or tell you.
2007-07-13 12:58:12
answer #2
answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7
I happen to be gay, and I can think a woman is beautiful and still be secure in my sexuality.
Recognizing that someone is attractive does not define your sexuality. Being attracted to someone does. The way you talk also has nothing to do with your sexuality. The Bible does not say that being gay is a sin (I don't believe that word is even in the Bible) it only condemns acting on it.
If you are in fact gay, you can not become straight, nor can a straight person become gay.
You are only 16, and you just may not have developed a sexual interest to either gender yet. Give yourself some time to figure out who you are.
You may or may not be gay, but no one can tell you that but yourself. If you are in fact gay, please don't let someone else tell you how God feels about it. Find a real Christian, not the kind that preach hate. They can help you sort out your relationship with God. There are Christian sects that are accepting of all God's children.
2007-07-13 12:46:45
answer #3
answered by memyselfandi 2
Peter, It is okay to be gay and be a Christian. The bible isn't meant to be taken literally. And remember it was written 2000 years or more ago when they thought much of the world was magic. Much of it is dated. What Jesus did was love God and Love each other as you would have them love you. There is nothing wrong in love. The link below is another interpretation of the scripture that you quoted. It is possible to be gay and be Christian.
That said, it doesn't sound like you're even sure. You're too young to label yourself. Just live your life and date whoever make you feel comfortable. Date the person that smiles at you and makes your heart flutter. That's attraction and that's what defines your sexuality and only you can know who does that for you.
I'll say a prayer that you find the peace you're looking for.
2007-07-13 13:01:39
answer #4
answered by momaab 4
You don't "become" straight or gay, you "are". And you need to accept it and move on with your life. No, you don't need to tell your family and friends right now, you are very young, but you need to be at peace with yourself.
And that, you may also find in the bible.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. I went through exactly what you did years ago, and it was a much different time. You need to sort out your feelings and decide if you are gay or not. There is no changing it, but that's FINE! Live life, love life, love and live and get on with it! Find peace. All the best.
2007-07-13 13:23:36
answer #5
answered by le coq géant 5
I think you're worrying yourself silly over nothing. You can admit that some guys are cute without preferring to be with them instead of girls. Who do you check out when you walk into a room, the guys or the gals? And your manner of speech or favorite phrases has nothing to do with whether you're gay or not.
Give yourself another couple of years hanging out with different groups of guys and gals, get to know them, etc. It will eventually become clearer to you if you really are more comfortable around guys and would rather be with them than with gals.
The bottom line is that you are who you are, regardless of what one or two passages in the Bible say (note that Jesus didn't say ANYTHING about it--apparently it was only a concern to Paul, not to Jesus--makes you wonder about Paul, doesn't it?). It's just too soon for you to know who you are yet, apparently (some know by your age, many don't). Whatever and whoever you are, don't worry about it. Just be good and do good. God understands, I'm sure.
2007-07-13 12:37:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Most of what you described is just looking up to other guys, not necessarily liking them. You may just be at a point where you don't see anyone around you that you're attracted to... at 16 that's a pretty easy situation to find yourself in. If you come to the conclusion that you *are* gay/bi/questioning I'd say embrace it. The Bible has many interpretations and depending on how you look at it, it says a lot of harmless stuff is evil. So go with the flow and embrace who you are.
2007-07-13 12:26:22
answer #7
answered by Aura 4
The term for being attracted to neither sex is "sexless" not asexual. Sounds like your'e just jealous of other guys or simply admiring their traits...nothing gay about that! If you are though, stop whining! Bible = Bullshit! Yaay it's fun to blaspheme.
2007-07-13 13:09:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just be yourself. Don't force yourself to dislike homosexuality just because The Bible says so. Sure, it's good to be religious and have faith and everything, but when you force yourself to be a certain way, it's not so great. I'm not religious myself, but God made you this way for a reason, yes? Just accept it and love yourself. It's not wrong, no matter what anyone says.
2007-07-13 12:47:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wow, I really respect you. A lot. I'm actually serious. I don't think this gay thing is right either and I wish all gays were like this. I am straight, by the way. Anyway, I'd suggest that you see the beauty in the female body. I'll be a little more direct now: watch porn, look at titties on the internet, learn to establish a truly beautiful woman.
I hope I helped
2007-07-13 15:12:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
ok listen you are still a kid it doesnt matter if your gay straight by sexual or an alien from outer space you know.
you are an individual unique in your own right get rid of the research and the bible throw it out and then stop and listen to your heart see what that tells you.
in todays society it doesnt matter, keep an open mind listen to your own feelings and emotions . and unfortunately you cant become straight if you are gay or whatever else that is who you are embrace your true being and rejoice in the splendor of you.
dont try to fight your own self you will always loose.
take it easy
2007-07-13 12:26:39
answer #11
answered by lyndsey j 2