I see how its is, its cool.
2007-07-13 11:28:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think you have every right in the world to do that. I can totally understand as I have a neighbor like that as well. He thinks he needs to be a part of everything going on here and that's simply not true. You are intitled to have over whomever you want at any given moment. Don't feel bad about it or let the neighbor make you feel bad about it. If you have to, just simply explain that you would like to catch up with some old friends and you'll talk to him later. Good luck and have fun!
2007-07-13 11:14:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If i was the guy, i would not mind if you did not invite me honest....been there and have seen my neighbors or friends did not invite.....but according to ethics it is quite not nice i mean it's like showing off in front of someone...that's what I've been told......so what do you think your neighbor is like....if in doubt than always take the safer of the two options (which is invite him)....or otherwise be prepared to feel guilty as i can obviously tell that you are starting to by asking this question....go on invite him
2007-07-13 11:17:26
answer #3
answered by soundfamiliar 4
I would be Offended if you Asked the Other Side neighbor, but Not your Friends or Family.
You could always give the "I have an Awful LOT of Friends who said they'd Show up for my BBQ, would You want to Come too?" Hopefully he gets the Hint: You have TOO Many people Coming, and Declines.
2007-07-13 11:15:17
answer #4
answered by wonderland.alyson 4
Well, if you're just next door neighbors, you don't have to invite him. BUT, if you are more than that, you probably should at least tell him there will be a lot of your old friends and he would probably feel uncomfortable. Tell him you'll have him over another time.
2007-07-13 11:14:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Invite who you want to invite. You can always invite the guy next time. Can I come to your BBQ? lol
2007-07-13 19:23:18
answer #6
answered by Evil Ejade 4
No, why should you feel the need to invite him? I can understand if your really good friends but just because he is your neighbor does not mean that you need to invite him.
2007-07-13 11:34:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nope. It's YOUR BBQ- and YOUR choice to invite whoever you wish. Now if it were a Neighborhood affair- then maybe I'd feel alittle slighted... But a BBQ amongst friends- can be JUST THAT... Have a good one ! :)
2007-07-13 11:18:40
answer #8
answered by Joseph, II 7
Screw him, invite us! We'd have more fun having a P&S bbq at your place than he would. Plus we all like to eat and we're your friends too! We would even mow your lawn if you wanted us too, I'll bet that neighbor never did that for you.
2007-07-13 11:20:04
answer #9
answered by Sheriff of Yahoo! 7
no, dont invite him if you don't want to.... try to figure out a way to mention it to him, like "i'm having OLD friends over to catch up, isnt that cool" & ust end the conversation quickly so he doesnt guilt you into an invite.... that way you arent hiding it either.
2007-07-13 11:13:51
answer #10
answered by cat 5
I wouldn't be to mad, but if you have the food, and the room, why not. Just tell him that you want to do some catching up, so maby he could invite somone! (Girlfriend, friend, ect...)
That is if you have the accomadations!
2007-07-13 11:16:43
answer #11
answered by Anonymous