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Whats the best way to do that? I mean the stuff I write ^^

2007-07-13 10:26:09 · 2 answers · asked by und_ich_fliege 4 in Business & Finance Small Business

2 answers

It's not easy if you don't have a label behind you.

You need a website where people can hear clips and order CDs, a myspace page where you can talk music (among other things) and friend people who are fans of your genre, and to join discussion forums dedicated to your music genre, with a signature line or profile page which links to your website, if that's allowed. (Some sites consider it spamming.) If the genre lends itself to it, you also need to trade CDs for other struggling artists' CDs, and provide small distros with 5-10 copies they can sell.

If it's possible to get gigs, even unpaid ones, you'll sell some there from a cardtable, too.

2007-07-13 10:36:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Myspace is a good place to start. They have a lot of bands and younger crowds that are interested in music.

you can build a free website at http://www.nexthoursite.com if you want a website at no cost.

2007-07-13 11:23:00 · answer #2 · answered by jim c 4 · 0 0

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