If you look at the living conditions and gross national product data for your country in comparison to other established democracies, I think you will see some definite differences. Most of europe lives under governments with a significant socialist bent. While they are not impoverished, their living conditions are not comparable to persons with similar education levels in the US and Japan.
2007-07-13 07:23:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What kind of communism are you referring to? What do you mean by bad? Bad in the sense of a system that doesn't work, or doesn't recognize people's rights, or that is morally evil? Soviet communism was atheistic in nature. "Religion is the opiate of the masses"' said Karl Marx. There are also many forms of Christian communism. Communism merely means that people are acting as a community. Socialism is a a word with a similar meaning.
2007-07-13 14:02:48
answer #2
answered by Bibs 7
It's funny reading the answers you get here. People who lump socialism with communist Russia just show their ignorance. They are so brainwashed to think that you can't have socialism with democracy. They think it's about handouts instead of being about democratic ideals. Somehow they think having healthcare provided by the government is about giving out handouts and redistributing wealth. It's obvious to anyone who travels that there are many wealthy people in Europe who haven't lost a thing. The ignorance runs deep in this shallow country.
2007-07-13 13:47:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My country is a crappy country..that cannot even provide well qualified people with even the most basic employment.
The jobs are just not arriving - after leaving in the eighties and (recent figures show)it has something like 40% of children living below the poverty line, and massive male unemployment.
2007-07-13 13:57:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The term "socialism" originated in the early 19th century and evolved from what was called UTOPIANISM .The movement originated among the clergy who were appauled by the horrors of the industrial revolution.
It was simply an ECONOMIC SYSTEM and had nothing to do with any POLITICAL System.
In fact Utopianism or Utopian Socialism was developed within an emerging democratic environment.
Some 40 years later Karl Marx usurped Utopianism or socialism as it was beginning to be known and made it the ECONOMIC system of his POLITICAL SYSTEM called COMMUNISM.
From Marx on ,socialism took two essential paths.
One path was in the USSR where total state ownership/control of the means of production was combined with the dictatorial political Cummunist system.
More important,the second path taken by socialism was throughout all of western Europe where to this day SOCIALIST (generally called Christian Socialists or Democratic Socialist ) have and continue TO THIS DAY to predominate in the Europian DEMOCRACIES.
Democratic/Christian socialism never had the state owning/controlling ALL means of production and services but to varying degrees only key,essential elements like health care/pensions and a number of other key elements.
It was the sheer ignorance of the US and Americans in their never ending propaganda that demonized/vilified SOCIALISM and made it synonimous (sic)with COMMUNISM which is pure un-adulterated crap .
If you are a democratic socialist be absolutely proud of your yourself for you and all others have ABSOLUTELY nothing to apologize for .Democratic socialism as I wrote has a long great history TO THIS DAY in all the western European democracies as well as in many other countries such as Canada,Australia etc.
Like the American Bush who lied about why he is waging an illegal war of choice that has so far slaughtered over 400,000 innocent Iraqs,Americans have simply LIED about socialism EVENTHOUGH these monumental hypocrites have a number of SOCIALISTIC programs that they love to death namely Social Security and Medicare to name only two.
If I were as ignorant as many Americans I guess I could use the fact that they have a number of socialistic programs as justification for calling them stinking communists as they call all SOCIALIST ,democratic or Communist.
If you are living in a democratic country that is predominantly socialist,be very,very proud of your country.
2007-07-13 14:01:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Most people don't realize that there is a difference. However, when we in the US talk about communist countries we are really talking about socialist countries. And we don't like them because of the redistribution of wealth. We like to keep what we earn.
2007-07-13 13:40:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Socialism done right is a great thing, when compared to communism, and capitalism.
2007-07-13 13:44:42
answer #7
answered by steinerrw 4
We are made to believe communism is bad. The general idea of communism, I believe, is very good. However, all rulers who have been in charge of communist governments have ruined it.
We are also made to believe that USA is a democracy which is total BS.
2007-07-13 13:36:19
answer #8
answered by JP 1
Socialism is not an option. Read our constitution. Just because the liberals keep trying to push us that way does not mean it is constitutional. Our constitution has made us the most powerful nation in the world. Why would we want to screw with that?
2007-07-13 13:43:53
answer #9
answered by Brad the Fox 3
People who were raised to hate communism, hate socialism too.
They were taught that anything other than evangelical christian capitalist america is evil.
2007-07-13 13:35:40
answer #10
answered by Joe M 2