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6 answers

This slang word is of Canadian origin which possibly suggests that this woman is preying on younger, inexperienced men.

2007-07-12 16:25:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm about 99% sure that this term was invented by the dimwits on that TV show that's pit women in their 30's/40's against women in their 20's in pursuit of some pathetic guy who's more concerned about getting on TV than finding a soulmate to spend his life with.

So their reference, I think, has to do with this *ridiculously* artificial situation where 20 or 30 women pursue one guy in a competition to "win" him. ...what a prize... Anyway, the hunt analogy is what they're after.

That all said, has the world of dating changed *that* much since I was in it? When I was in that phase of my life, women didn't compete for men in any way approaching this level of competition. Oh sure... a group of women would try to out do one another when dressing for a night out, but that was usually the extent of it. Instead, it was ***men*** that would *compete* for the attention of women! ...though I never really saw it in a ratio of 20/1 or anything. Oh... well... maybe once, but she's amazing and we've been married now for 13 years. :)

So I know that there are a few more women in the world than men (what is it... 51% versus 49%), but these shows just strike me as the opposite of reality! Men usually compete for women, right? Is that why "we" (not me) watch them? ...because they're the opposite of reality. Or has the dating game shifted that much... to where multiple women fight over each man?

2007-07-13 01:27:58 · answer #2 · answered by Dr. Evol 5 · 1 0

Saw that show about it huh? That was stupid to call themselves a cougar!

2007-07-12 16:17:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe she a lion on the mountain who grab the oppurtunity.

2007-07-12 16:20:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 0

She is considered a huntress preying on fresh meat.

2007-07-12 17:04:24 · answer #5 · answered by robee 7 · 1 0

Because when she gets too old to make a living she will have to "eat" him to survive. Pops

2007-07-12 16:17:56 · answer #6 · answered by Pops 6 · 0 0

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