How well do you keep secrets?
Extremely well Always.
Do you believe in telling people your secrets?
Very Very rare persons.
Have you intentionally/unintentionally let out your friend's secret?
Do you agree with the statement -- "There should be no secrets between husband and wife"?
No ,everyone Husband OR Wife is entitled to have his/her
"Secret Garden."
2007-07-12 22:36:32
answer #1
answered by d260383 5
If you consider it secret, keep it alone and never tell to anyone. It will no longer called secret if somebody will come to know it.
Don't tell your secret to other people.
You can not let out the secret of your friend if he consider it secret because ones he revealed it to you it is no longer called a secret.
There is always secret between husband and wife. Things are being done without the knowledge of the husband and vice versa.
2007-07-12 15:55:18
answer #2
answered by Jesus M 7
I think everyone has some secrets. I think Im pretty good at keeping secrets but have unintentionally slipped up occassionally. Some things other people just dont need to know.
2007-07-12 15:52:55
answer #3
answered by bongojd 2
If I am told to tell no one, then my lips are sealed. The conversation is between me and the person communicating his/her secrets to me.
As for my secrets, I am an open person. I don't really keep secrets for myself. Perhaps a few, maybe four or five but that's it.
I have never.
I believe that people are able to choose for themselves whether or not they love and trust another human enough to tell them everything about themselves.
2007-07-12 15:52:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
--Very well
--If I trust them
--No, I don't. Husbands and wives are allowed to have some "secrets" -- I would never tell my husband that I think a few of his outfits are not as great as they could be. There's a difference between telling your spouse EVERYTHING and telling your spouse everything but what you KNOW is irrational.
2007-07-12 15:52:02
answer #5
answered by FaZizzle 7
Very well.
Not really.
No I think all people have their own stuff, but I would definitely make an effort to not have too many secrets
2007-07-12 15:51:12
answer #6
answered by I'm here for now 3
i can usually find my secrets on postsecret
i would give you a link but yahoo wont allow me to at this time
2007-07-12 15:52:13
answer #7
answered by motoson 4
1. Really well
2. Depends upon the person and the secret
3. No, not that I can remember
4. Yes
2007-07-12 15:52:28
answer #8
answered by Purdey EP 7