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i mean its the same routine, your born, you go school, college getting an education, get a job that earns money, get together with someone, get married have kids and the same routine happens again, i mean thats all well and good for some people and i want to do that maybe on day but i want to do something with abit of meaningful like go on a journey like to see the world or on a travel quest to find something i know this sounds silly that you'd hear of tv but i dont see my life aiming anywhere good, i mean ok, im studying computers right now and ill get a job in computers which is ok and i dont mind that, i just wish there was more to do in my life than to work and to go clubbing and having a family of my own, i know that sounds selfish

does anyone know what i can do about this and how i feel

2007-07-12 13:04:02 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

28 answers

it's not selfish at all.
life is what you make it. no one says you HAVE TO do all those things like go have a family, job, etc.
well...in order to do what you want, you have to have money to pay for everything.but after saving up, you should do what you want when you want...you gotta find your passion in life. that could be a hobby, thing, or person.

2007-07-12 13:08:55 · answer #1 · answered by sarah 3 · 2 0

Its not selfish at all.

You need to work to provide for yourself. But you will be more successful if you really love the job that you do. Human beings are social animals so family is important and also important to your success in life. The clubbing, well for most people it is a phase. It is fun but at some point you look around and realize you see the same people, doing the same thing night after night after night and will tire of it.

Live your life based upon your values, not based soley upon the things society says that you should have. This is the way to personal fulfilment. After exploring your own values, you may discover that your life is going exactly where it should be. Based on what you write, I think that is not the case. Be open to the process. It will surprise you.

7 Habits for Highly Effective people is how I discovered my true values. You can buy the book at any bookstore or online. There is also a 7 Habits course that I highly recommend, only caveat is it is not cheap, if you cant afford it the book is a great way to start. I am sure there are other books and courses that offer similar advice. None of the advice it provides is new, but it helps you focus.

When you know what YOU truly value and live your life accordingly the mundane aspects of life seem much more interesting because you are working to your own goals. Thos are my 2 cents. There is much, much more to life than what you describe, you just have to find it!!!

2007-07-12 13:29:29 · answer #2 · answered by CHELLE BELLE 5 · 0 1

Yep! The older we get, the more routine there is. It is really bad. My wife used to say a good day in the real world is when you buy new underware.

One way I have tried to get around the boredom is to see the same thing in different contexts, like in Groundhog's Day. See the same thing from different sides. Experiment with doing something different and find out what happens.

Another thing you can do is becoming more spiritual. That doesn't necessarily mean going to church, but rather to look for the underlying meaning behind things. Why do people do the things they do? Who is benefiting from the way things are? There are so many questions...

2007-07-12 13:06:20 · answer #3 · answered by Wait a Minute 4 · 2 0

I often feel as you do.
Most people live like cabbages and the system seems to prefer that, providing little encouragement to 'get up and go', in a truly creative way.
I think a lot of potentially great artists, writers, poets, philosophers and other latently talented people just don't bother because at the end of the day...what's the point, to amuse a load of imbeciles?
We all need some sense of objectivity, other than sex&beer, money and suchlike. So called success, in itself, is meaningless.
Perhaps that's why the human race is very good at 'going to war', it stirs us into action, regardless of the morality involved.
Crime too is a method of throwing off the shackles of banality.

2007-07-12 16:28:12 · answer #4 · answered by Cilly Buggah 4 · 0 0

If you're not interested in the generic "stereotypical life-style" then blow it off and don't let anyone guilt trip you into living it.
You don't say if you're studying computer programming, but this was my nephew's answer to a boring life-style. He is a professional bowler (his real passion) and a computer programmer. He travels the PBA tour while programming medical software for a company. You don't need to be in an office to do his job.
My own son has no desire to be stereotypical. He loved playing drums more than anything growing up and now travels the world as a rock drummer.
Find your passion and go for it. It's no empty cliche to say that you don't want to wake up middle-aged and unhappy and wonder what if.

2007-07-12 13:17:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Make a long list of all the things you would like to do.
Not just big things but little ones as well like trying a certain type of food, going on a jet ski, climbing a mountain.
The sort of things you could do as a treat, at the weekend or on holiday.
That way you will achieve some of your ambitions and have fun doing it.
You could plan a whole year of different things to do and as you cross them off you will feel a sense of achievement.
So instead of wasting your time clubbing, get out there and take on the world.

2007-07-13 00:21:53 · answer #6 · answered by malcolm g 5 · 0 0

There is definitely more to life, more than u can ever imagine. But are you really willing to find out? Life gives back what you put in. You talked bout exploring the world. Why not make it happen. You can do it.

Jot down all the ways u can make your life really interesting/fun/meaningful, and just do it.

You know the saying - life shrinks or expands according to one's courage. It's one of my favorite sayings.

I have always belived life to be a canvas...and u r the painter. It is upto you what you put in it and make of it. All the best!

2007-07-12 13:22:43 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

It is time to reinvent yourself. Like I was, sitting in front of an old Dell trying to figure out why it wouldn't complete its boot sequence past the Windows 98 full screen picture thing. I mean, duh. I only have been doing computers since February of last year, so not surprising. But it is something which fascinates me, so my point is find something which fascinates you and begin to pursue it. I dubbed with installing a couple of printers and I was thinking what are the chances I could make this happen, but lo and behold in about an hour both printers were up and working perfectly. And I was able to use the existing drivers in the computers and not have to resort to installation disks, so I think there may be hope for me. But I am still a novice, no question about it. And I am still stuck with the full screen Windows 98 (Second Edition) logo in full colour. I was able to get into Safe Mode where I could run and play to my heart's content, but it would be so great to get that boot sequence to jump to desktop-with-icons after the full screen logo. Enthusiasm will help you, in other words. Feel the energy in this reply. The hum-drum thing is 100% our personal attitude. It is our job to make things interesting for us. LIke when I go out on my bicycle - I find all kinds of views and people. More reinventing myself. I would recommend energy, good attitude, new activities and enthusiasm. I hope this reply helps you, and good luck with your interest in computers. I get going on them and it's three hours and two cups of coffee before I even realise it! It feels like ten minutes.What I am telling you is to find something you love to do and do it. Best to you, always. - Chris!

2007-07-12 13:46:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are definitely looking inwards... what you can do to make your own life better. Maybe if you focus on what you can do to help others, then you'll find more meaning.

Helping other people can bring you all across the globe, with a goal other than breaking the routine.

2007-07-12 13:11:43 · answer #9 · answered by HP Wombat 7 · 0 0

that's not selfish, that's free from the routine, I'm a world citizen ,sometimes I'm here and sometimes I'm there, every country is mine, journey is my home, but it's not easy to have that money to do that, but wherever i go i work hard and spend less so that i can do a new depart, wherever i go i learn something new, new culture, new language, new lifestyle, A new life.
i don't feel the boredom, I'm just afraid to be stuck in one place someday,
travel is freedom

2007-07-12 14:09:54 · answer #10 · answered by foxylady 5 · 0 0

Yes there is much to life and your soul is just telling you that you need to take a new leap of faith. When the pupil is ready the teacher will appear. search for a deeper meaning of life. try reading or google Journey of souls micheal newton. Explore some possibilities. Happy Journey my Friend

2007-07-12 13:44:06 · answer #11 · answered by Beneplacitum 3 · 0 1

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