Why did the Holocaust happen?
The Holocaust happened in Germany in the 1930's and 40's. It happened becauseThe German leader Hitler did not like the Jews and other minority groups and the german people wanted some-one to blame for their present situation in which there was hyper-inflation, there were not many jobs and they were forced to take the blame for the first world war. Then Hitler offered to change all of this and he did but in doing so he started to get people to believe in his ideas of the perfect race and that the jews were not wanted in Germany because they were not of the perfect race. Gradually he started making laws that were unfair to the Jews. This meant that Jews could no longer hold positions of responcibility like judges, teachers and docters. Then laws came in that they had to give their property and bussiness to people who were considered to be of pure race. Or they had to sell them for far less than they were worth. Then they had to wear yellow stars to show that they were Jewish. The Nazi's then decided that they had toget rid of the jews and they came up with the Final solution in which they gased the Jews. The Jews were first moved to the Ghettos and then to the gas camps were they were gased.
2007-07-12 11:36:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The usual answer is 1941 or 1942.
Most historians of the Holocaust distinguish between persecution and genocide. Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany began in April 1933. Between then and 1943 about 430 separate anti-Jewish decrees with issued. The first ordered the dismissal of Jews from posts in the public sector, the last ordered that Jews suspected of crimes shouldn't be sent to court but should be handed punished by the Gestapo, without further ado.
Thd actual mass killings started in June 1941 when SD death squads moved into the Soviet Union behind the advancing German armies.
Some date the start from the Wannsee Conference of 20 January 1942. However, this was a short meeting intended to deal with a few practical issues.
Obvsiously, long before 1941 Jews in Nazi-held territory had to live in intolerable conditions, for example, in ghettos.
2007-07-12 13:13:35
answer #2
answered by can_i_have_a_snack 3
If the definition of the holocaust is the high volume extermination of European Jewry (not the anti-semitism, persecution, or other negative policies aganst the Jews) then you can point to the so-called Wansee Conference in Jan 1942 to answer 'how' it got started.
In the Fall of 1941, Hitler ordered Goerring to implement the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. Most historians agree that the exact order must have been verbal since nothing written was found. Goering then ordered Reinhard Heydrich to implement the order.
Heydrich gathered together all the top SS and Nazis bureaucrats to plan all the machinery to implement high volume genocide. It took all walks of life to implement it, from the Gestapo roundup, trainmen who hauled the human cargo, the pharmaceutical conglomerate that supplied 4 1/2 tons of zyclon-B per month, to the contractors who built the crematoria.
2007-07-12 13:18:04
answer #3
answered by Its not me Its u 7
Ok heres my theory on it. It start off when hitler was young him and the other germans where barly making it by and the jews were all pretty well off . He hated the Jews because they were getting rich and getting by easy while him and his fellow germans were barly making it. I don't know if I am right ,but in the movies it shows him and the germans going through hard times and the jews were getting rich and making money off the germans. I think Hitler hated the idea of Jews getting rich and I think he probably thought that the Jews were the cause of the Germans suffering. Theres others ideas of hitler doing drugs and thats why he had the jews killed. I don't know this is just my opinion ,maybe someone has a real answer that is factual.
2007-07-12 11:45:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Holocaust has its roots in German anti-Semetism, but has also been aided by antiSemetism in Poland, France, the Balkans, and other European countries.
The Holocaust had a beginning when Corporal Hitler was gassed, while he was recovering, and with the start of the Brown Shirts during the days of Weimar. I'll put a small bibliography below:
2007-07-12 11:39:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In 1933 Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany. He felt that the Aryan race (a non-Jewish Caucasian, esp. of Nordic stock) was the best and so anyone that was not pure Aryan was considered lesser. at first he put these impure people into special housing called ghettos but soon that wasn't good enough anymore. many ended up in work camps where they were hardly ever fed and were worked night and day in quarries or other varies places. some were sent to be experimented on (especially twins) in concentration camps and still others were just killed on the spot. some of the death camps (those were people were sent to be killed by gas, torture or other more creative ways) were Auschwitz and Belzec.
if you want more detail go to my second source
2007-07-12 14:05:19
answer #6
answered by VoteMo 3
Hitler, desirous of a master race, targeted the Jews - and like an earlier answerer said, to limit this to one or two paragraphs is an injustice. However, he probably got his inspiration from the Harvest of Sorrow, 1932-1933, when Stalin closed the borders to the Ukraine to stifle their spirit of independence, and 8 million people starved to death.
2007-07-12 11:48:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There was a depression in Germany & many people were poor. Hitler came along at a time when people were desperate for a change or improvement and basically campaigned that all of the poverty and problems in Germany were the fault of immigrants specifically Jewish immigrants because there was a large population of Jew who owned businesses and were prosperous. He was elected and turned into a monster. Of course he was always insane he just didn't need to hide it anymore.
2007-07-12 11:46:21
answer #8
answered by LLM 3
The mental Fuher of Germany (Hitler) spread propganda about the "Master Aryan Race" and how all others were evil. Once Hitler took complete control it wasn't hard for him to confine to Jews and others to camps and it just escalated from there.
2007-07-12 11:44:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Long Story Short: Hitler hated the Jews, people loved him thinking he was helping their countries (but not so much..) so they let him take over the jewish and put them in their own ghetto (not the type of ghetto of today) and put most of them into concentration camps, thankfully though, the russians came and stopped him from killing all of the jews... but it was the worst that happened to the Jewish... they will never forget.
Edit: I almost forgot... not only did he takes Jews, but he took people who didn't fit into his "perfect" society: homosexuals, communists, gypsies, other religions etc
2007-07-12 11:43:51
answer #10
answered by Luna Winter 7