I get made fun of, becuz i'm light-skinned for my ethnicity
ever since i was a kid, people make comments
and call me ''Whitey" and still do!
(I'm also the lightest in my family, so i didnt like being the one that frgn GLOWS IN THE DARK)
i even try to put those tanning lotions , so that i could look more ''like them'', but still, people question my ethnicity
i don't even have friends who are my ''ethnicity''...sometimes i think that since i dont quite look exactly like them, that it makes them think twice, cuz i dont look like i ''fit in''
, i dont wanna stand out, i wanna BLEND in
(and i Want friends that r the same ethnicity, its a culture thing)
k im not no biaaatch, and i'm easy-going friendly person
I want to study in my parent's home country for a year, but then i'm afraid that i'll b singled out and made fun of, stared at, QUESTIONed ALOT!
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