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I get made fun of, becuz i'm light-skinned for my ethnicity
ever since i was a kid, people make comments
and call me ''Whitey" and still do!
(I'm also the lightest in my family, so i didnt like being the one that frgn GLOWS IN THE DARK)

i even try to put those tanning lotions , so that i could look more ''like them'', but still, people question my ethnicity

i don't even have friends who are my ''ethnicity''...sometimes i think that since i dont quite look exactly like them, that it makes them think twice, cuz i dont look like i ''fit in''
, i dont wanna stand out, i wanna BLEND in
(and i Want friends that r the same ethnicity, its a culture thing)

k im not no biaaatch, and i'm easy-going friendly person

I want to study in my parent's home country for a year, but then i'm afraid that i'll b singled out and made fun of, stared at, QUESTIONed ALOT!

2007-07-12 10:58:53 · 7 answers · asked by soWHAT 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

No, I love my extremely fair skin. I am very white. The only drawback is, that I'm predisposed to skin cancer and I can't be out in the sun long or I'll burn. But I protect myself and I never ever tan. Good luck. 2D

2007-07-12 12:17:52 · answer #1 · answered by 2D 7 · 0 0

Get a tan. But I wouldn't want to get dark, I love being light skinned

2016-05-21 00:13:41 · answer #2 · answered by charlie 3 · 0 0

Ok what ethnicity are you i'm Hispanic and i know many who are white tan and black.. i have friends who are Dominican and are very very white and very very Dark..i don't see anything wrong with that.. Friends come in all different colors..I think if they don't want to be your friends its there lost cause your probably a great person and they are missing out.. its ok to feal that you should change to fit in but just be your self..

2007-07-12 11:15:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My son is Brazilian American as is my daughter..look...it maybe tough right now..and you have friends who are getting under your skin..that is GOING to happen...your friends are gonna give you every bit of crap they can...BECAUSE THEY CAN...let me say this...I am Italian American and we don't have such a "light skin ethnic" issue as most of us are olive skin and are light in general..but..think of it this way.. I have to deal with the whole "Tom Selleck hair all over the place" as well as the big frickin nose....would you rather have people show their ignorance and critique you on your race? or look at your physical features? you will ALWAYS be loved by your parents....you will always be loved by your family and will always be accepted by them regardless of what you look like and while that may not sound consoling NOW...step back and look at the big picture...the majority of your life is ahead of you...so the chances are that this is a VERY temporary situation and may last a couple years..but once you get into HS or college...it will go away..with more maturity..more of the idiotic comments go away..

be yourself..YOU ARE different...God made you different for a reason...you don't have to agree with his reasons...but YOU DO need to embrace it..you need to gain your own self confidence and assurance of who YOU are...don't worry about those guys/gals...

look...Barry Bonds has been looked down on based on things he may or may NOT have done...Derek Jeter had to deal with this as well- his mother is irish and his father is African American. Halle Berry's mom is WHITE...Here are VERY successful people who DID NOT LET RACE or their ethnicity get to them in the long run...OF COURSE, like you they got their fair share of BS...PROBABLY more because they grew up at the same time that I did.. they caught flack for that...did it limit their abilities to be successful?? I am thinking..NO..now they are household names and everyone from New york to Hawaii knows who they are...and large in part..they're known internationally..

my kids may face that by having their mom being a dark Brazilian woman with an accent and their dad being an Italian American.. you roll with it..it doesn't make it easier...but you gain the acceptance that EVERYONE has dealt with the same situation as you have in different ways..

you can take a situation and run from it, be ashamed of it...and want to be the same or blend in...I wanted that too...I am white..sure...but I wasn't very rich and I was at a school that was TERRIBLY rich.,.so imagine the effect I had on them...I gave them PLENTY of ammunition to make fun of me...but as I made a mark for myself and continued my success in school as well as in sports...that soon changed..I didn't care about what they had to say..I forged my own way and accomplished quite a bit...now..I am a 2 sport repeat letterman, a prom prince nominee and have worked 6 years in the military and am a Senior in College majoring in Busness....do I care what people think of me? Only my wife!

2007-07-12 11:45:10 · answer #4 · answered by juanes addicion 6 · 0 0

No, I love being fare-skinned! I think you should just be happy you're unique!

2007-07-12 11:06:05 · answer #5 · answered by mickeys.girlfriend♥ 4 · 1 0

i thought being light-skinned was a good thing

2007-07-12 11:01:47 · answer #6 · answered by C Lo 2 · 3 1

accept yourself for who you are, you were made that way on purpose.

2007-07-12 11:03:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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