I don't believe in physically punishing children or pets! It teaches violence. Sorry but I am a prime example of that!
2007-07-12 10:32:18
answer #1
answered by Me 7
There is no need to spank kids if they receive other, firm discipline. (This does not mean never giving them a tap on the backside, by the way!)
I have seen, time and again, that kids who are not spanked have great self confidence and are well behaved without having to be threatened. The parents say 'no', and mean it, and as the kids learn that they cannot get their way by tantrums or bad behaviour, they grow up realising they must behave well to receive a treat.
The only kids I know who are spanked, are resentful and play up behind their parents' backs. They are also more aggressive towards other, often smaller, children, as their parents are teaching them that being beaten up by someone bigger is OK. On the surface they are docile, but not underneath.
If your husband thinks spanking is such a great idea, maybe he feels it would be fair if his boss spanked him when he does the wrong thing at work?
Of course he would not! So why would it be OK to spank kids?
And it is interesting that he thinks YOU should spank the kids ... does he believe disciplining the kids is only up to you?
Of course kids will run wild without discipline, but there is a difference between physical violence and discipline!
Recently, some relatives went on a two day parenting workshop organised by a local group, where they learned a lot about child development and how to improve their child raising.
When someone else asked why they would bother to do such a course, as they already had grown kids as well as the young ones, they said 'to be better parents'.
It's great to see parents really think about these things, and try to do a better job. After all, it's not easy being a parent, but it is the most important work anyone can do.
There are lots of organisations and groups where you can get more information and support, if you want it.
Best wishes and good luck :-)
2007-07-12 12:27:04
answer #2
answered by thing55000 6
Usually most children are not especially fond of the idea of being spanked either ... many of them don't like the idea and hate the being spanked -- maybe that's why it can be very effective.
Course, most don't like any form of punishment, whether it is a spanking or whether it is loss of privileges or whatever.
I've sort of decided there is nothing wrong with hating being spanked; just as long as we don't hate the one doing the spanking.
If your husband thinks the kids need to be spanked, then HE should do it [but only age-appropriate].
2007-07-13 01:32:12
answer #3
answered by Jim 6
I believe in spanking a child as one form of discipline, but it should be used as a last resort, not the first choice.
The controversy over spanking stems from two sources.
The first one is the famous Dr. Spock, who was a nut in his own right, but no one ever bothered to question this so called expert.
The second is the fact that there are people who don't know the difference between a disciplinary spanking and abuse. Because there are maladjusted nuts in the world, who are unable to distinguish between beating their child in anger or giving them a gentle spanking for discipline's sake, our society has thrown in the towel and just declared all physical discipline wrong, rather than dealing with the nut cases.
Personally, I think it would be a good idea for every prospective parent to be required to take parenting courses during prenatal care. There are too many parent's out there who just shouldn't be allowed to raise children.
I have brought up my children according to the Word of God, as I was brought up, and the Bible does say that children need to be spanked once in a while.
I turned out a well adjusted, intelligent, well educated person with excellent moral standards. So have my children.
P.S. As for the people who say they wouldn't do it because they hated it when they were a child, well that is the point! It's not supposed to be pleasant, it's supposed to make the child think twice before doing wrong again and think, "Hmm, I don't want to be spanked again. I won't do that again!"
2007-07-12 09:19:28
answer #4
answered by missmuffin 5
I don't think it should be they do something wrong and get a spanking then. I think there should be some other options first, otherwise 'spanking' (a swat on the hiney) becomes the number one way and after a time, they'll do something to make you really mad and if you spank them automatically you may do it too hard and hurt them without meaning too. Try a time out first, or a priviledge taken away. If that still doesn't help, then a swat when you're not mad won't hurt them a bit but should make an impression that next time you tell them something you mean business!
2007-07-12 10:06:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I feel it all depends on the situation, for 1. ... not everything deserves a spanking.
2. depends on the age. The older they get, the harder it will be. If they're still in diapers, it just kind of gets their attention, that they've done something wrong.
3. how you do it. On the behind is fine... anywhere else... absolutely not!
Some kids need to be spanked... even though the parents don't do it.
I'm just sick with the fact that, in this day & age, too many people are afraid to discipline their children. & They're the 1st ones that complain about children being out of control!
I really think the world would benefit going back to "punishment to fit the crime"... with in reason! So to speak!
Too many kids are getting away with stuff we couldn't, when we were kids.
Ok, I'll stop & step off the soap box... NEXT?!?!!!!
2007-07-12 09:11:25
answer #6
answered by Lady Harley99 4
You know truthfully we can ask this question until the cows come home! Each to their own I believe to a certain degree.
You need to just follow your heart, read child rearing web sites, read books on child behaviour and only as a last option after all avenues are endless, Then maybe consider the light spank on the bum.
You are the one that has to life with those choices not us here on Q's & A's. ;-)
Good luck, hope all works it's self out.
Ps. I will tell you one thing from reading this posting....
I can tell you love your child, just for the fact you didn't feel comfortable on wanting to spank your child!
Just follow your heart, as a mother knows best :)
2007-07-12 09:10:27
answer #7
answered by Bluelady... 7
Spanking is not wrong if it is done for discipline, and only for extreme cases. I thought I would never spank my child, but when she took off running with a knife, I had no choice. She didn't pick up another knife for a long time. If you spank your child In an appropriate manner(never when you are angry!) there is nothing wrong. It is those people who spank their kids for fun that make the whole thing controversial.
2007-07-12 09:06:10
answer #8
answered by magix151 7
Spanking your kids is not wrong unless youre one of those abusive parents! People use different methods to get their children to behave. In some casses spanking is needed but in others it isnt. Some Parents establish a tone for when their kids act up. Once they hear that tone they know to straighten up. If spanking your kids isnt something you fwnat to do find another method.
2007-07-12 09:04:32
answer #9
answered by C. C 3
I have a 3yr old and he's gotten his shares of spanking. I believe that as a parent your entitled to make decisions on how to raise your child. I don't think its a crime for to give the occassional spanking. However I do think that severe beatings can cause more damage than discipline. I could however tell you that my son responds better to me talking to him in authoritive voice than when I spank him. The few times that I have hit him where when we were both in a bad mood and not tolerant. It only left both of us hurt and empty. But when I speak to him and explain things to him he tends to listen more than if I were to spank him. Reasoning w/ your children is always better than inflicting fear, which is what spanking is good for.
2007-07-12 09:07:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I don't have kids of my own, but I would spank them when they misbehaved. I'm not saying for every little thing, but when you try to reason with them and they aren't getting it, I think a whack on the butt says more than a time out. Don't confuse spankings with beatings and child abuse. Totally different things.
2007-07-12 11:03:11
answer #11
answered by ♥ Zoey ♥ 7