what everyone is saying is that the yankees will have to go 53-24, which will give them 95 wins to end the season. the 'experts' say that with 95 wins they have the best shot. However, I have a different view. the yankees start the second half by playing the drays, royals, blue jays, and drays again. all of these teams have records under .500, while the yankees also have a sub .500 record, they are obviously a better team then the ones mentioned. The redsox have a tougher schedule, and while the yankees have guys getting healthy, the redsox have guys getting injured (big papi's havin an MRI and may need surgery and schillings still hurt). If the yankees can take advantage of their easy schedule and even just get down to 5 games back in the division then they can go into their remaining 6 games against the sox with a chance to take the division lead right then and there. They can also get the wild card, but for that they'd have to jump over 5 or 6 teams, 3 of whom come from the AL central, so that's unlikely.
If the Yankees get into the playoffs- as the Cardinals proved last year- anyone can win the WS. Once you're in, its a whole new season. This is one time at which their veteran starting pitchers as opposed to other teams young starting rotation can come in handy. Roger Clemens and Pettite all have playoff experience and Wang was great last year vs. the tigers.
As you can prob. tell, I am a Yankees fan and these are all ideal situations. I'd love for all of this to happen, and I tried to answer the question in the least biased way as possible
2007-07-11 16:16:56
answer #1
answered by yankfan192 3
If Boston stays on the same pace they are now, they'll finish at 99-63. That means to win the division the Yankees will have to go 58-17 in the 2nd half. That's probably not going to happen with the problems they have on the mound. For a wild card, this is just a guess being based on the Indians and Tigers records, they'll have to go 56-19. So I don't see much shot of them making the playoffs this year. There is a chance, but not a good one. I'd say a 5% maximum chance that they make the playoffs.
Assuming they do make the playoffs, they're chances of winning it all are a little better. They're 11-14 against the teams in the AL that have a real chance at the playoffs (DET, BOS, CLE, ANA, SEA). They've got some guys on the team that have been there before and play well in big games, but also some guys that seem to choke in the playoffs spotlight. So I'd give them a 33% chance of winning it all if they make the playoffs.
2007-07-11 12:55:51
answer #2
answered by DoReidos 7
1. In order for the Yankees to win the division they would need to have about a .700 win % the rest of the way and this is all figuring the Red Sox don't come alive in the second half and hit like they should be. Manny and Papi arn't hitting near where they should be and at some point will get on fire. Maybe not Papi with this apparent knee injury he has. At this point it might be more beneficial to just go out and play and try to get the wild card.
2. To win in the playoffs they are going to need pitching...3 capable noninjured starters. They will also need a lot better results from the bullpen. Proctor and Vizcaino have been horrid.
Im a big Red Sox fan but I also pay attention to the Yankees due to one of my best friends being a fan. First and foremost I am a baseball fan and appreciate a good game of baseball, so my opinion doesn't come out of hate for the Yankees.
2007-07-11 12:58:17
answer #3
answered by Swany 2
if there ever became a time for the mets to win it, it truly is this year. the only team interior the completed national league that must be a .500 team interior the yankee league, different than the mets, are the cardinals, and that they simply lost the final participant in baseball. Yankees on the different hand at the instant are not in elementary terms interior the final branch in baseball yet in addition they have like 7 starters on the DL, yet they are nevertheless in elementary terms one game back of first place. even nevertheless the mets have each and every thing going for them suitable now you in basic terms get the sensation that they'll screw it up. so i decide for the Yankees
2016-10-20 21:59:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Boston played as well as they could in the first half, and the Yankees about as poorly as they could. That may change over the course of the season. Still, after Burhle re-upped with the White Sox, I'm not sure if New York can get the pitching they need.....They really miss Sheffield's right handed bat as well....
2007-07-11 20:23:23
answer #5
answered by JacksonRocks.com 2
To win the division, they need Damon, Abreu, Matsui and Cano to step it up and hit like they are capable of hitting. The rotation just needs to hold it together.
To win it all, Phil Hughes needs to come back and dominate and the rest of the rotation (Clemens, Pettitte, Wang and Moose) need to get hot and Igawa needs to be the long reliever or sent back to AAA...or AA...or A
2007-07-11 12:48:26
answer #6
answered by badotisthecat 5
well it will take some team work from everyone the starting pitching , there offense to kick IN and the last but not least there bullpen they need all this 3 thing to work and play there asses every single day and play to there abilities
well remember 1978 when they came back from a 14.5 games deficit they won it all so i think they will
go yankees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
2007-07-11 12:40:17
answer #7
answered by Janet ♥(YFFL) 7
Playing a LOT better, and hoping the Red Sox stumble.
Go, wager everything you have on it.
Sorry, Mr. Cashman, but that's all you'll get from me. I don't care if you lose your job.
2007-07-11 15:54:12
answer #8
answered by Chipmaker Authentic 7
see dude i am a huge fan on the yankees but the thing is they always make it to the finals and lose or win theres like a 90% they make it to the finals just abouth always y u ask? because yankees are rich they can aford awsome players/
2007-07-11 12:38:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they would have to win 3/4 of their games to have a realistic shot at it
2007-07-11 12:37:48
answer #10
answered by Not You 4