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does it feel like they are ripping off the bottom half of your body? i want a baby, but i dont want that epidural thingy, im scared of it and herd horror stories about people who used it. what does it feel like? please answer if you had a natural or meds

2007-07-11 08:16:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

im not too young, i will be 22 in 2 weeks. i am married and want a baby. just wanted to know what it feels like to have the baby. it would be my first.

2007-07-11 11:31:36 · update #1

14 answers

I had my son natural and it really wasnt that bad and my son was 7 pounds, the worst part was the contractions... I arrived at the hospital to late to have an epidural so i had no choice i was fully dialated and my son was born within two hours.. You shouldnt be scared and an epidural is quite normal most women do have them, i probably would have if i had arrived on time to the hospital.. good luck.

2007-07-11 08:23:19 · answer #1 · answered by meryl 2 · 4 1

I don't like the idea of a needle in my spine, so both my kids were delivered naturally. Although, they were both induced which make contractions more sporadic (some say they're also more painful than usual). My daughter was very easy, but my son took forever due to his slightly big noggin (ouch). You just gotta give it your best push, and when it's over, you won't care how bad the pain was. Even the discomfort you experience afterward (with or without drugs at the time of birth) become insignificant when you look into the eyes of the angel you hold in hands. It will all be worth it no matter what you decide. If you're not comfortable with the epidural, don't do it, go with gut. If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing (not even with my son ;).

2007-07-11 15:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had four natural births using the Bradley method. The crowning does hurt when the baby comes out, but that part does not last very long, less than five minutes. I don't see the need of a lot of pain medication to avoid a few minutes of real pain. The Bradley method uses total relaxation to prevent the uterus from cramping, so the only pain you feel is the cervix stretching. The pushing contractions did not hurt at all. Labor felt like a dull ache that comes and goes. I have had lots of other things that hurt worse.

2007-07-11 15:26:47 · answer #3 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 5 0

i had my baby natural and i am so glad i did. it is the most beautiful thing in the world to feel your baby be born. The last two hours of contractions were the most intense, up to then the pain was barable. It is indiscirbable pain the contractions. it just hurts but i swear i cant rememeber the pain now. it goes away as soon as you see your baby. As far as pushing the baby out, it burns as the head comes out. thats the worst part, but you are so determined at that point to see your baby that has been growing inside you for the last 40 weeks that it doesnt matter. the key is to remember it is pain with a purpose. i did a lot of mental preparation going into my labor. remember that you were created to birth this baby. your body has changed so much in order to grow this child, and it is designed to deliver the baby also. i also made flash cards with reminders on them and had my sister read them to me when contractions were really hard.."your baby is worth this pain" "its only temporary"
remember that even if you arent able to go natural, the ultimate goal is a healthy baby so dont feel bad if you need pain medication....good luck sweetie!

2007-07-11 15:30:01 · answer #4 · answered by socorro0745 3 · 1 0

I have had both meds with my first and no meds with my second. Meds helps with pain but makes the labor much longer. But my second was shorter labor but more painful. My first labor was 22 hours but less, less pain. Instead of the four hours for my second. Which was excruciating. I always feel like i'm going to have a bowel movement when they are telling me to push the baby. It is definitely scary either way.

2007-07-11 15:23:42 · answer #5 · answered by Heather B 1 · 4 0

7 weeks ago and it was fine ,,.,i was in labor for 14 hrs so i was so so tired by the end.. i had to be cut because she stopped coming down and he had to reach in to get her ,,, but he had this numbing cream that he put on before he gave he a shot to deaden me ,, really it was a lot of work .. the pain was bearable .. i was freaked about the thought of an epidural too

2007-07-11 15:27:46 · answer #6 · answered by iamblessed 6 · 1 0

Wow you sound way too young to be worrying about having babies! But to answer your question...yes it hurts...I don't know what the drugs are like because I didn't have any. I was way too quick to get any even if I wanted them. Remember that everybody is different and experience labor based on their body. You could be in and out or you could take days. You may go through hard labor just to end up with a c section. Worry about this when you are married to the man you love. Then it will not matter.

2007-07-11 15:22:29 · answer #7 · answered by PrettyMommy 3 · 3 3

Well at 6 cm dialated I got the epidural, and I'll tell you what I would not have been able to do it without it. I had no problems with it. Labor is a pain you can't really explain until you experience it for yourself.

2007-07-11 15:21:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

If your worried about it just get a epidural. Having a baby is a huge thing, it can be long and it's painful. There's nothing wrong with taking a little help with a epidural it will make you feel better and make it more pleasurable. Whatever your decision...Goodluck and congrats!!

2007-07-11 15:29:22 · answer #9 · answered by Bens Mommy 2 · 1 2

Each woman handles labor differently. But I don't think any woman who has gone through labor will deny that it is painful. Epidurals are uncomfortable when they are inserted, but then you are numb, so you have a choice... hours upon hours of labor pain, or 2 minutes of the discomfort of a needle entering your spine?

2007-07-11 15:34:05 · answer #10 · answered by Jen M 4 · 0 1

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