your just haveing braxton hick contrations (fake contrations) dont worry
2007-07-11 08:05:56
answer #1
answered by mommy092107 3
Your uterus contracts all the time during pregnancy, it's just usually you can't feel it. With my last pregnancy (4th) I began feeling the tightening as early as 3 months. Some times it was just a tightening sensation, sometimes it was more uncomfortable, but they always went away with water and laying down.
If it's just tight and not really uncomfortable, don't worry about it. You can time it from the start of one to the start of the next if you have nothing better to do, but it's most likely not labor. If they start to become uncomfortable, try drinking a large glass of water. (My doctor said a Route 44 from Sonic, so I'd assume she wanted me to drink 44 ounces of water) If that doesn't help, lay down if you can. If the discomfort goes away, then you're fine.
If it persists, gets worse, you think your water has broken, or they are 5 minutes apart and have been regular for over 1 hour go to the hospital for a labor check. It's been my experience that you're not in full blown labor until you've dilated to at least a 4 with regular contractions.
EDIT: Oh, i just remembered. My doctor had also told me that when you hit a real contraction it will be strong enough to stop you in your tracks. Apparently you can't walk or talk through a real contraction.
2007-07-11 15:11:30
answer #2
answered by angeltear757 3
37 weeks is considered full term, so your baby would most likely be fine if you had her now.
However, based on the info from my birthing class, it sounds like you are having false labor.
False contractions are usually just in the lower abdomen, don't increase in frequency or severity, and occur sporadically. Changing position, walking, or drinking water usually make them go away.
True labor pains begin in your lower back, and then radiate around to your front. They are consistent, increase in frequency and severity.
Good luck!
p.s. You could always call your doctor for a little reassurance.
2007-07-11 15:07:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You will be fine. If they are not timeable then you are not going into labor....yet. I had those (braxton) for weeks before I actually went into labor. They even monitored me for a day to make sure they were not real contractions. My son was almost a month early and I knew when I was in labor! Although I did try to tell myself it was not happening for most of the morning before having my husband take me to the hospital...we almost didn't make it and I had to go for an emergency c since the baby still had not flipped. Little butt head! :)
2007-07-11 15:08:48
answer #4
answered by PrettyMommy 3
By 36 weeks your baby should be mature enough to live outside the womb. What you are experiencing may be Braxton Hicks. If you were having true contractions, they would be very strong, last for at least 30-60 seconds, and be at least 3-5 minutes apart. If you are only having light, irregular cramping then you probably aren't experiencing true contractions. Don't worry and try to rest and relax.
Good luck!
2007-07-11 15:08:36
answer #5
answered by ? 6
if you had your baby today she would be perfectly fine! she is developed enough to live and be able to go home from the hospital a few days after birth(just like a full term baby!) You could be in labor, you should call your doctor and have them check you if you are that worried. Try not to stress, the stress is so bad for you and the baby. good luck, god bless and congrats on the little one!!! =]
2007-07-11 15:26:57
answer #6
answered by Mommy of 1, #2 on the way! 5
How often are the contractions? With my last pregnancy I had them every half hour for like 8 weeks, my son was born at 39 weeks. Try laying down and drinking 2 glasses of water first if they are not very frequent. 36 weeks is not that early so don't be upset if they are real.
2007-07-11 15:08:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What you're feeling might be braxton hicks contractions. It's a tightening feeling, and can sometimes be accompanied by some pain. Chances are that's all it is. To be safe, though, call your doctor. When in doubt, always call your doctor. That's what they're there for. Better safe than sorry.
2007-07-11 15:09:26
answer #8
answered by Jess H 7
Your baby WILL survive at 36 weeks. I had my son at 36w 5d. Its possible that you are having contractions. Once they get closer together (about 5mins apart) and untolerable then you need to go the Labor & Delivery but that could be days away even weeks. Good luck
2007-07-11 15:05:49
answer #9
answered by *~*love always*~* 6
Its not labor, labor you would know. What is happening is the muscles in your back are stretching out due to the weight you are carrying around in the front. Make sure that your not over doing it as well (standing on your feet to long is not good for you once you get in your last trimester).
2007-07-11 15:15:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
your having pre labor contractions its not the real thing it's jus getting you ready 4 it,but let someone be aware when u do have rthem cause they can turn into real ones,but its not the real thin unless u feel them alll the way to your back.
2007-07-11 15:08:21
answer #11
answered by siara 2