They can't kill you, they can only drive you to kill yourself. But don't worry, I don't drive people to insanity.
2007-07-11 09:53:03
answer #1
answered by Umbra's Curse 3
The only type of ghostthat is known to actually harm or kill you is named a poltergeist. Poltergeist are known to be very damaging and harmful. If you have ever heard of the "Bell Witch", (a movie is out, "An American Haunting".) This entity had been very abusive towards the youngest daughter of the family. Such as slapping her, dragging her around by her hair, throwing her off the bed, etc. But death has never been reported by a ghost or poltergeist.
What could happen is simply if the demonic spirit likes to be destructive and throw things and push and what not, then accidents could occur here, but still NO reports of this being done. So to answer your question, can they? -yes. But do they? -no. You have nothig to worry about.
2007-07-11 07:34:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No, a ghost can't kill you. If that were true then a lot of 'bad' people would kick the bucket. Spirit or Ghosts are not that powerful.
Of course I do feel that some negative entities can imprint ideas into someone's head who is in a bad place emotionally.
2007-07-11 07:31:52
answer #3
answered by Barb P 2
as to a ghost the answer is no but there are things that can! like poltergeist can as they can through something at you and kill you that way.
if the entity can take over your body then they can get you to kill yourself too as they could take over your body when you are driving the car to work or something like that or make you take a knife to yourself anything really there is so many ways for a ghost or anything in the Sparta to kill you
2007-07-15 04:42:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Actually, a ghost can only stay in Earth if they will is strong and they wanna get revenge for what somebody did to them. If you have harmed anyone, they may come back and hunt you for the rest of your life and you will never live in peace, but you will live in fear. There are some ways to get rid of a ghost; destroying his/her bones, destroying the cause of his wrath, for example, if the you killed someone and the ghost is hunting you, you must die in order for it to go to Purgatory or move on, depends on what he/she deserves. Also, anyone can kill a ghost by dying and saying this words in front of the ghost "Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this evil", repit it until he's gone. If you don't wanna die you must have someone ready to revive you if you die by asfictia.
2007-07-13 15:18:57
answer #5
answered by Leo~ 1
Well there are different kinds of ghosts. There are some that can physically harm, so I would think they could kill too!
2007-07-11 09:07:08
answer #6
answered by ? 1
Hi , I want to know if ghost can hurt you? you see , were moving and people tell me it's haunted so I wanted to know if ghost could hurt people.
2013-10-30 10:04:29
answer #7
answered by Emelynn 1
No, A ghost is totally harm-less.. But yes some spirits and all demons can kill at will... And like it or not God and the words of Jesus can protect you...... And this is another believe it or not answer..................................................................................... and yes there are some mystical words that can protect you but first you have to know where to find these words and 99% of the worlds population has no idea as to how to find these words.......And I would hate to have a demon on my butt and not know the correct words that can save my life.......................
2007-07-11 14:23:01
answer #8
answered by kilroymaster 7
i ghost can't kill you. a ghost can't actually pick up anything that is solid. i never heard of polgerist or something, but they can persuade you to kill yourself. ghost and spirits don't have that power to actually kill you tho.
2007-07-11 10:56:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
a ghost can't kill you unless it's plotergiest. they can move inanimate objectsalso they can touch/ harm you.Also a demon can kill you and will not think twice about it. Call an exorcist.
2007-07-11 10:03:29
answer #10
answered by moomoomonsta 3
i dont know and if it happens then they can tell us right? Well if you think about it you know all those "natural causes" when they mysteriously find you dead. Well anyways nobody can actually know if they can kill you but they can definitley scare the heck out of you
2007-07-11 09:07:38
answer #11
answered by Belee 2