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17 answers

LMAO....I never thought about it, but you're right!

2007-07-11 06:53:45 · answer #1 · answered by Oberon 6 · 3 0

Colors are randomly chosen. We could say the same thing about other nations flags. Some have red, white, and blue the same as us but in different formats.

I dont see it as a "gay game" or the colors as that of gay pride. I see it as a game w/ multi colors. I see it the way I see our world; many colors all trying to achieve the same goal.

2007-07-11 13:59:03 · answer #2 · answered by Lucky Me 6 · 2 0

Let's use bigot logic. I'm Chinese, and I'm gay, so Chinese checkers must be gay

2007-07-11 15:19:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ever wonder why it was called checkers in the first place? The first rule of the game is to check out your potential partner from head to toe, size him up, and then game on.

2007-07-11 13:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by Gaymes Last Orchestra 6 · 6 0

I don't know much about Chinese checkers but I will tell you this much tho - it rained yesterday evening during sunset and after it stopped, I have seen most beautiful rainbow in my lifetime.... I looked up and said " Holly $hit, that is gorgeous...."

2007-07-11 14:02:40 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6 · 4 0

Yes, and an important part of our plan for world dominance!

(also, checkers are gay, anyway)

2007-07-11 14:01:01 · answer #6 · answered by Divadarya: trans n' proud 3 · 5 0

I was just annoyed by what Ketchup said. I'm straight, and today is the first time I've looked at the posts in this category but I've seen enough to know that the person who posted this question is not a homophobe.

2007-07-11 13:58:53 · answer #7 · answered by IndiHippi 5 · 4 1

haha that's funny.
Here in France, nobody knows the meaning of rainbow flag except gays. Many people have or wear something rainbow with tight fashionable pants. Or actually they all know and are they all gay?

2007-07-11 15:41:42 · answer #8 · answered by Chris 2 · 1 1

wow just cuz it has so many colors doesn't mean it is gay. i heard purple is also a "gay" color. so does that mean the minnesota vikings are gay? does that mean the milwaukee bucks are gay too?

each color identifies the player and so many players can play at a time so more colors are needed

2007-07-11 16:35:58 · answer #9 · answered by goldenmonkey 2 · 2 1

Yes, most definitely.
All the smart games are sporting rainbows now. In fact, all your game are belong to us.
lol Thanks for the laugh.
The first one of the day is best.
Peace :D

2007-07-11 13:58:37 · answer #10 · answered by Threshin 3 · 2 0

They knew we'd need one eventually i mean come on we have a parade..anime characters... why not a board game also?

2007-07-11 14:07:32 · answer #11 · answered by Infamous Twit 6 · 3 0

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