"The waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry-Hungry Hippos" - Homer Simpson
2007-07-11 05:36:12
answer #1
answered by Freethinker 6
Yes, you know there really is a website called twoweekwait.com that is great. (don't go to the one that is 2weekwait...that's a bad site). I go through that crappy cycle...charting, trying to babydance til my eyes are crossed, trying to read every little symptom like it could be pregnancy, fantasizing about girl, boy, twins, wondering if that spotting is implantation or af, wondering after I am bleeding if I might still be pregnant......it is so frustrating.
For me it isn't just the depression...I am hanging onto my cobra healthcare policy while I try to get pregnant, and it expires in 7 months. If I don't get pregnant, I will have paid $5000 in vain to keep health insurance that I didn't need.
I get really really stressed out and irritable in the days leading up to my af due date, and get really really depressed on the day that I start spotting and cramping.
I got pregnant my first month off bc pills the last time, and now I have been trying for 7 months...nothing. Money spent on opk's, hpt's, clomid (insurance won't pay it), doc appt. copays.
Every time they raise the dosage of clomid, it doubles the price, with NO LUCK.
Once my period starts, I start getting optimistic all over again.
That is when I feel the best..when I see the potential for conception.
2007-07-11 05:37:12
answer #2
answered by gg 7
UGH, I hate this vicious cycle!
I usually imagine that I am pregnant for 2weeks, & then it turns into a ginormous let down when I get my AF the day it's supossed to come.
I actually feel a lot of pregnancy symptoms each month I really believe I am preggers.
The worst part of it all, I am on www.twoweekwait.com CONSTANTLY during my own tww & it drives my husband crazy.
Now I am going to try a different approach. Live like I'm NOT pregnant until I actually AM. No more passing up on a glass of wine, or an occasional cig. I am not telling you to do this, but this is what I'm going to try.
A lot of my friends got preggers while enjoying their social events as well, so if i can happen to them...
Good Luck to both of us.
I feel for everyone ttc. I know how obsessive we can get about it.
2007-07-11 05:37:18
answer #3
answered by California Girl 3
My period is due on Sunday too! Lets hope neither one of us see's it :) I know what you mean about the two week waiting game. I can't stand always thinking about it and i swear everythime i try not to think about it, i only think about it more! When we first started trying a few months back I tried to shrug it off and keep my head up. The last two times however i did cry when AF came :( Its hard just like you said, we wait, hope, imagine and then if its not our month we are let down. Hang in there and Baby Dust to all of you :)
2007-07-11 06:10:45
answer #4
answered by Namename 5
I know that I sure am! lol. Me and my husband have been ttc for about 8 months now. Keep in mind, we haven't really been keeping track of days and such...I mean, I know about when I ovulate but we just have sex whenever, we don't plan it out or anything. If that makes any sense. Anyways, yeah, there was one month that I was SURE I was preggo, but AF was actually just about 4 days late. I cried the morning that she showed up. lol. The other times it wasn't so bad. It doesn't help that PMS symptoms are so close to pregnancy ones. Now this month, I'm late again and hoping that I'm pregnant. Anyways, good luck to you and blowing some baby dust your way! :)
2007-07-11 06:20:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm only on my 2nd month of ttc, and in my two week wait right now. It's hard when all's you think about is trying for a baby. I've only had one failed month of trying and I was bummed, but moved on quickly. This month I have the feeling I won't get pregnant either. We should all from some group or something and keep everyone updated. It would nice to hear positive stories and give people hope.
2007-07-11 05:30:31
answer #6
answered by Melissa 7
Is there any room left on that boat? I am so tired of waiting and why does it take so long to find out. I want to know now!!!! AF is due on the 18th and I don't think I can concentrate on anything else. My back is hurting, my mouth is constantly filling with saliva, creamy off white cm, my breast are huge and the left one is bigger and lastly I am craving fish or tuna fish. I have 7 more days to see whether or not it was all in my head. We are going away for the weekend so I hope that will take my mind off of it for a little while.
Baby Dust to all!!!!
2007-07-11 06:29:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Im MEGA tired of waiting, my husband and I are both healthy non-smokers. We have been trying since July 2006, which makes it almost a year.
It also doesn't help that my husbands friend gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy in January. We are rather jealous!
Im due my period on Sunday 15th July, but wont be getting my hopes up.
I also manage to convince myself that I am pregnant sometimes, for instance recently I have pains on the one side of my back where my ovaries are, and lower abdominal pains, I'm going to the toilet three times an hour.
I know Im not pregnant but Im gettin frustrated with the waiting.
Good Luck To You Also :)
- Any tips from people would be appreciated!
2007-07-11 05:49:52
answer #8
answered by Klara 2
I know how ur feeling. I am waiting to see too. I have cried when the tests come back neg. It's so heartbreaking. But I have to tell u that my sis had no symptoms except missing her period when she was pg with her daughter and now she is having a son and she throws up all over. So each pg is diff so there might be something. Waiting is the hardest thing. Good luck to u.
2007-07-11 05:58:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
OHHHHH Myy good yes!!! I cant seem to get it off my mind, my partner and I have been talking about it but havnt really said yes for sure. So every month i get so excited hoping that it happen but it never does. Last month I had a break down I knew i was the aunt flow came 2 days late. I cried I told him that I couldnt deal with this but he was so suppotive and it made me forget all about it. So I guess to have support when these things happen.. Aww I love him and hope you are pregnant, then Ill children can all play together...hehehe
2007-07-11 09:18:52
answer #10
answered by It's a BOY!!!!! 3
This is my first month of trying, its freaking me out a little to hear everyone say that it can take months, lol, im currently 4 days late, have taken tests but all came back neg... i didnt cry, but i didnt just shake it off either, but its in the back of my mind, i try not to let it get to me too much, still havent come on my period yet but still 4 days late!
try not to think too much into it before you miss your period, i know thats so much harder or easier than done, but then i guess you wont be SOOOO let down, but i completely understand what you mean...
how long did it take you to concieve for your first pg? anyway... i hope its your month =] as with myne!
il kep my fingers crossed and hope for the both of us =]
2007-07-11 05:33:35
answer #11
answered by Anonymous