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Could someone just please describe a normal/avergae 14 yr. old teen boy that is goin 2 be a freshman in highschool? Just desribe how they are there personality how the act there attitude there friends.... all that stuff & more please. Im talking about just a teen boy that isnt the most popular kid in school but not a person who is anywhere near a dork or loner or geek/nerd w/e. Nobody that plays on a sports team just an average joe w/friends who goes 2 school makes decent grades A's & B's maybe C's. I know this seems probably strange but Im just wondering it will help me alot. And please no ur a freak or this is weird or all that crap. Thanks.

2007-07-10 16:05:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

be yourself.......... and don't worry about what everyone thinks......

2007-07-10 16:12:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Normal boys at 14, Suddenly stop cleaning their rooms, they suddenly start to lie to their parents. The Great Grades drop to average or lower. Voices crack, hair grows, and so does other things when you try to stand up in front of the HOT English teacher!!!!!!!!
You get embarrassing face hair, not quite enough to shave....DO IT ANYHOW! ZITS, get girl zit creams they work better. They, 14 year olds, act like ***. It seems that the tong is mightier than the brain, and you spit out the most stupid stuff, mostly .in front of women. That is where The HOT 9th grade English teacher comes into the picture!

MOTHER of 4 boys, watched it all and am waiting for the 10 year old baby to start the rise from the depths of baby hell to real man! YEAH.....LOL

2007-07-10 16:18:27 · answer #2 · answered by bugsie 7 · 0 0

there is no such things as a normal boy, the people who pic on the little kids in school are the kids that grow up to be the un-forgiven 1s in life, dont change your self to fit in/ your fine how you are, change isnt allways best.

2007-07-10 16:09:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's just like everybody else: Doing all he can to get through what he has to do, in this case school, to live his life the best way that he knows possible.

2007-07-10 16:09:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Didn't know it was possible to be normal as a male. :)

Guys don't usually excell in school until university...so if you have at your age then that is good. You will do well. You are normal...

2007-07-10 16:10:00 · answer #5 · answered by kadnil 3 · 0 0

"normal" is boring. Don't feel like you need to compare yourself to others!!

2007-07-10 16:08:41 · answer #6 · answered by Lisa 6 · 0 0

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