well, your handeling it pretty maturely..... i would FLIP.
ok, contact the father, tell the 'rents
there are othe options, adoption? stuff like that.
geez...... this is..... wow, that's like, me, pregnant..... heeby jeebies.....
luck! (you may need it....)
2007-07-10 15:06:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Do you have any parents? Where are they in all of this? And how about that lucky father, and how old is he? How do you plan to care for that little one? And by "care" I refer to the economic demands of raising a child; anyone can love a baby, but can you house, clothe, feed and provide all the rest that a child of God deserves?
So, you are 15 and have "always" wanted kids? Since when, you got your first doll? Please. What you mean is, you have always dreamed about being a Mommy. A natural feeling for a girl, but the real question is, have you ever wanted to be all that it takes to be a worthy parent to another human being? If your apparently longstanding desire to have kids (at 15!) has not yet taken you that far in your fantasy life about what it means to be a Mommy, you have not the faintest idea of what it means to be a parent. Now would be a great time to begin contemplating that question.
And don't forget among all your concerns that abortion can scar you for life (I hope you are referring to spiritual and moral scarring) and sometimes preclude having subsequent children, it is important that the central issue of abortion is the dead baby.
So, DO have the child. DO talk to your parents. DO get your (boyfriend? hook-up? Casual acquaintance? Total stranger?) baby's father legally obligated to live up to his responsibilities. And if you cannot honestly step up and be the parent that baby deserves, for God's sake, let some eager young couple adopt that child and give it a decent upbringing. Will that be painful? Oh yeah, you can bet your life on it. But it will be less so than always knowing that that little soul was snuffed out and thrown away in favor of . . . what?
You now have some actual adult decisions to make, you and your parents. Be wise, and be strong.
And, please know you can go to medical school with a baby; I did it with two (but not as a single parent).
2007-07-10 22:25:53
answer #2
answered by T I 2
Well, a pregnancy at 15 is definitely not recommended, but when it happens you must deal with it. Don't be discouraged about your career as a doctor! You may still make it! Get a good support system and CALL YOUR DOCTOR to start prenatal care IMMEDIATELY!!! Tell your parents when you are comfortable.
I had a good friend who had a baby at 14 and she just finished her master's degree in accounting and got her CPA and is making very good money. Good luck!
2007-07-10 22:27:01
answer #3
answered by Nicki 3
Well you need to talk to your parents and decide if you are going to be able to raise the baby, or if adoption would be better. Being a parents means putting the needs of your child ahead of your own. What would be in the best interest of your child? I personally would say finding a loving couple who can emotionally and financially support the baby would be better, but only you can decide.
2007-07-10 22:04:53
answer #4
answered by Melissa 7
My friend took a preggy test, too yesterday. You're a little too young, but it happens all the time. Me-been there done that. & you can still pursue a career as a doctor. Strength & POWER!
2007-07-10 22:10:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
have the baby and give it up for adoption. That way you can see the baby grow up in a safe loving home and still watch it as it grows and matures.
2007-07-10 22:11:03
answer #6
answered by verleybe 4
um dude. u shouldn't be 15 and having a baby. children r a wonderful thing but i'm ur age. i couldn't imagine having a kid right now. u have a life!!! do NOT have an ibortion. that is a sin and murder!! listen to me. u have 2 pray about this. and talk 2 ur parents about it.
2007-07-10 22:05:17
answer #7
answered by Special K 2
Pleas consider adoption. You can always have children later when you are older and have become a rich, world-famous doctor! Good luck :)
2007-07-10 22:07:57
answer #8
answered by Morra 3
If you realy like being a doctor i suggest you have the baby and take it somewhere which can be taken care of and you can have your time learning in school or college. And btw .... you should've used PROTECTION!!!
2007-07-10 22:07:03
answer #9
answered by gallardo190 3
You need to go and talk to your parents. Not doing so can place your life and your baby's in danger.
2007-07-10 22:10:34
answer #10
answered by loves2shop 2
tell your parents first and be careful the first 3 months are the most important
take care of yourself good luck
2007-07-10 22:04:44
answer #11
answered by Tonia G 3