.Gay people have no such instinct removed, in the case of wanting children. Just as there are straight people who don't want children, there are gay people who do.Some people just want children, gay or straight. Some don't. I applaud you for asking about this. You don't ask, you don't learn.
2007-07-10 14:51:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They want to have a family just like most people do. Being homosexual has nothing to do with not having the instinct to create a family.
You should meet some gay people with children, and you will find out they are just like straight people with children. The ones I know are very normal and very good parents.
2007-07-10 14:42:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If they want a family they adopt. Gays adopting is common.
Just because they are gay does not mean they do not want to have a family. The only thing homosexuality "removes" is the attraction to the opposite sex (well unless ur bi but w/e you get my drift.)
2007-07-10 14:38:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
they still want families like MOST other people.
I believe EVERYONE should have to have a licence to be a parent so if a gay couple WANT a child then that child will be loved because they are wanted so much.
It does however raise the question of the nuclear family and whether its wrong to have a set of parent who are the same sex.
And before everyone jumps up and down and says what about single parents some single parents are single by choice. and the single parents who arent single by choice maybe should have thought about it before they had children.
2007-07-10 14:47:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because its not about getting away from children; a homosexual couple is only different in the fact that they both have the same reproductive parts. Period. Wanting children shouldn't matter if you're gay or not.
2007-07-10 14:42:48
answer #5
answered by Vez 3
Homosexuals adopt for the same reasons heterosexuals adopt. I hate using those as nouns. Anyway, it's all the same. They want children and in the case of those who are gay they have no other choice (lest they get a sponsor mother or sperm donation, depending on their sexes).
Being gay doesn't negate the feelings or instincts most people feel; merely, they are with members of the same sex.
2007-07-10 14:33:01
answer #6
answered by Diavola 3
There is no removal of the "instinct to create a family." That's a prejudicial statement. The gay parents love their children, in the same way that any parent would. Many of them adopt as single people, simply because they don't want to delay parenting until they're too old.
You have a lot of learning to do. Go visit a gay parenting group at your local gay community center or similar organization.
^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
2007-07-10 14:32:43
answer #7
answered by NHBaritone 7
Some Might adopt and Some Couples Like Lesbian Women can Go through insemination and the women gives birth to the baby and the couple just raises it as their own Child.
I don't see anything wrong with what Other people Want to do with their Life....
Most People (Like you are the Other Haters) Should just be concerned about their own life and quit discriminating against Other people because of their Sexuality or Choices in Life â¥
2007-07-10 14:34:02
answer #8
answered by ♡♪♫☆Baby Animal♥♡♪♫☆ღ»-(¯`v´¯)-» 4
I think gays who adopt kids adopt them because they want children regardless of who they're sleeping with in bed. To make a blanket statement that homosexuals might be gay to remove family insticts... kinda crazy. There's all kinds of gays just like there's all kinds of straight people. Some love kids. Some just dont.
2007-07-10 14:34:28
answer #9
answered by holly should but wont 2
I think it more has to do with wanting a family! They want exactly what hetero couples want. A nice loving environment with kids at the dinner table. They are no different and I think it's rediculous to imply that just because they can't physically recreate a child with a girl and guy, they wouldn't want a family. Some people are so nieve.
2007-07-10 14:32:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous