Tell them all to go to hell and tell them to grow the f*ck up... and i'd be mad too if they were saying things like that to me and making noises... jerk offs
2007-07-10 09:38:26
answer #1
answered by ♫Mama of One♫ 4
Some people are just A%$holes.
I was the most beautiful when I was pregnant. I actually glowed. My students/family told me so. I didn't always feel like that.
Hormones will make you more sensitive so be aware. I told my boss off when I was pregnant. (ot something that I would normally do.)
Watch what colors you wear. White tends o make you look a whole lot larger than you really are. I had to wear white to a graduation. I even referred to myself as a great white whale.
2007-07-10 16:38:12
answer #2
answered by musicgal1961 3
Noway! You're not overreacting AT ALL. I would be super furious! First off...fat and pregnant are two totally different things. I even cringe when people look at my belly and say "Oh you're sooo big!" .... I want to punch them, hard.
Talk to your manager. That is ridiculous.
2007-07-10 16:36:32
answer #3
answered by WhitneyR 4
I can't believe that, that is SOOOOO rude I would just tell them to shut up. You are having a child you have a little miracle inside of you and that is all that matters so try not to let it bother you so you don't get stressed because it is not good for the baby. Good Luck and Congrats!
2007-07-10 16:35:27
answer #4
answered by skyler 5
Tell people that is disrespectful and that they need to mind their own business. If it keeps persisting, then I would report it to someone in the office building that deals with harassment. That's what it is, harassment. You are bringing a beautiful baby into this world and you don't need people poking fun at your size!
2007-07-10 16:38:24
answer #5
answered by Jessica 2
yeah i had that problem with my first pregnancy and to some extent with this pregnancy. i went to fashion bug and bought a shirt that said pregnant not fat. i wouldnt suggest it for everyone but i have that type of humor and all of my family got a kick out of it.
2007-07-10 16:39:39
answer #6
answered by horse_dancer_2000 2
NO you are not over reacting. If I were you I would go the human resource department and file a complaint. That is uncalled for.
2007-07-10 16:33:06
answer #7
answered by 3peas in a pod 5
Throw it right back at them.
When another co-worker and I were each four months pregnant, a male co-worker started talking about how we were 'losing our figures'.
I poked him in his round little belly, and said " What's your excuse, Chuck?"
Never heard another word.
2007-07-10 16:37:53
answer #8
answered by Nurse Susan 7
I don't think you are. That's pretty rude of them, in fact that's a form of harassment. If it really bothers you I'd go to your Manager's boss and tell him/her about this.
2007-07-10 16:34:59
answer #9
answered by ~lattemom~ 5
Tell them they are all obnoxious jerks and if they have ever had the honor of carrying life inside of them.
2007-07-10 16:34:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous