The cannot force you to have a medical procedure you do not want (a C-section is one of them). The risks of uterine rupture, in a normal, uncomplicated VBAC, is very low. The risk of maternal death hovers around 1% where the C-section rate hovers around 4%. The math doesn't add up. Start your research now and arm yourself with your rights and proper statistics. If your doc refuses, find someone else. If it's against hospital policy, cotact and they'll act as an advocate for you. Actually, visit that site, they have the best information for you available. I fought for my rights with my doc and he has given in. Best of luck to you!!
2007-07-10 10:03:10
answer #1
answered by duckygrl21 5
I think your physical chances of a vbac will probably depend on how this pregnancy goes, how big this baby seems and how well you healed from your first c-section.
I'm 25 weeks with my second and have already had an extensive discussion with my doctor about whether or not to try a vbac - I had a long and unproductive labor with my first. It turned out we were in agreement about doing a repeat c-section, but I was impressed that she was willing to give a vbac thorough consideration if I was really gung-ho to try it.
You may face resistance from the hospital you deliver at, regardless of whether or not your doc is willing to give it a go - both the hospital and the doctor may face insurance restrictions on vbacs.
2007-07-10 16:48:56
answer #2
answered by yankeegirl91 2
I had two c-sections and if I ever have any more children, they will be born the same way. I chose against a VBAC simply because my first pregnancy was rough; I was 2 weeks overdue, after 36 hours of induced labor, I tried to push for three more hours and I couldn't get the little guy out of there.
(my body was not made for easy childbirth)
Choice is yours, but I would go for a second c-section.
You also have the privilege of knowing when your little one will be born-easier to plan.
Good luck!
2007-07-10 16:34:30
answer #3
answered by HRchick 4
I too had a previous c section and decided I did not want one this time no matter what, so I asked my doc and he said he see's no problem with trying for a vbac this time. I was so surprised! Yeah! You know your body and you know what you want. If your doc won't ok it, call around and find one that will consider it. You owe yourself at least the chance. :)
2007-07-10 16:41:32
answer #4
answered by happyfacemommy 4
It depends on exactly where the incision is and how much scar tissue you have. Only your doctor can tell you of your chances. Also, not all hospitals do VBAC's. We have 3 in my town and only 1 will do them. It's due to insurance and liabaility and all that.
2007-07-10 16:32:19
answer #5
answered by Melissa 7
That happened to me. I had 3 c-sections. But you can have a successful VBAC...afterwards. So search if you really dont want too
2007-07-10 16:31:55
answer #6
answered by ♥Sweet Girl♥ 5
There is a bigger risk after a c section to have a natural birth..,. but you may be able to find a doctor that will be willing to try.
2007-07-10 16:31:36
answer #7
answered by momoftwobeauties 2