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has anyone used one and it acually gave the right reading? i was tempted to but one from there but then was kinda iffy. just courious...

2007-07-10 09:20:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

how can i pay $8 for one at a $1 store?!?! duh!

2007-07-10 09:28:02 · update #1

11 answers

A pregnancy test is a pregnancy test. I bought a $2 one from Dollar General and it worked fine. All its doing is testing to see if there is a hormone present in your urine. ALL pregnancy tests do this. Its just the more expensive they are, the more convenient features they may have.

2007-07-10 09:29:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes and no. I was at least a week before my period was due but I had all the symptoms and my husband was convinced I was pregnant. I had a $4 from the dollar store and I took it on a Saturday morning. It was a faint positive, but it was there. Then I ran out and bought 2 first response tests. I took one and again it was positive. I called and made an appt to have it tested professionally, but it required waiting til the following Wednesday. That Sunday evening I was convinced both the tests were wrong and there was no way I was pregnant. Even though I was still a week before my period and I wasn't using first morning urine, I went ahead and took the other first response. It still showed up positive, but not as bright at the one I had taken Saturday morning. I also took the other dollar store test and it was again postive as well, just a bit more faint. So, they do work, but if you are really early before your period, you may get a false negative. Wait a few days and test again. Good luck!

2007-07-10 16:44:03 · answer #2 · answered by Jenn S 1 · 0 0

Trust me, they work 100%. When I first tested, I used first response, and it was negative, but I believed I had tested too soon, so a week after my period was suppose to come I tested with one from the dollar store, and it was positive. My son is 4 months old today.

2007-07-10 16:36:06 · answer #3 · answered by islandgirl God and family 5 · 1 0

Yes but sometimes they're not as sensitive as the expensive tests so you can't test as early with a $1 store HPT.

They work fine as long as you're at least 1 day late.

Good luck.


2007-07-10 16:28:48 · answer #4 · answered by mari m 5 · 1 0

They work just the same. My friends buy those tests. I buy them for about the same price on-line (www.early-pregnancy-tests.com), and my first test taken at 7 days past ovulation came out with a very faint positive, and the EPT that I had came out negative, so the price has nothing to do with it.

2007-07-10 16:30:12 · answer #5 · answered by Melissa 7 · 1 0

Yes, I've known several women who've used them and they were accurate.

2007-07-10 16:23:12 · answer #6 · answered by Questing 4 · 1 0

whenever I bought one from anywhere I always bought 2 and took both to see if they were accurate!

2007-07-10 16:30:12 · answer #7 · answered by momoftwobeauties 2 · 1 0

sum of em work juss dont buy one for less than $8

2007-07-10 16:26:35 · answer #8 · answered by ♥BitterSweet♥ 4 · 0 1

Mine worked!

2007-07-10 16:46:39 · answer #9 · answered by Shanny 3 · 0 0

yes, they are accurate.

2007-07-10 16:25:33 · answer #10 · answered by jon jon's girl 5 · 1 0

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